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Separate Ways
The New and Unfamiliar

ꕥSeparate WaysThe New and Unfamiliar

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The Prologue
June 15, 1971

Everything began on a rainy night in Bloomington, Indiana. In a house that is long gone by now. Only remembered those who once resided there. The house itself was quite small, only two mediocre bedrooms and a small, dingy kitchen. However, this small apartment was jus big enough for Terry and for her roommate, Stacey.  Outside, large drops of water fell hard to the soft grass. Midday rain was the usual for June in Indiana.

The scent of the soggy leaves and wet grass wafted into the house through an open window. However, even the sweet scent of the Indiana woodlands couldn't distract from the obvious shrill screech which filled the house.

The gut-wrenching screams of the young woman pressed out of her body so naturally you would think it her profession. As Gloria and Alice held her fast to the small bed, sticky sweat pooled around her forehead. The salty substance dripped down her face onto her arms, consequently falling onto the matted sheets of her unmade bed.

She was pretty, yet a rough and tumble soul, and was used to bringing about catastrophic events by either "slightly" bending the rules or speaking her mind when she shouldn't have. However, something like this was unexpected of her. Little did she know, this fragile moment was only the beginning. The first few sneak peeks into a new life befalling Terry Ives.

It wasn't her fault for what came to pass after that one final, merciless push. She produced the number one thing she could've ever wanted, while simultaneously wishing it didn't happen at all. Maybe in a different time or place, but not here and definitely not now.

Silent flesh comes forth— a tiny, dark-haired girl as pretty as her mother had once been as a child, but with the dark hair and eyes of her father.

The woman has no way of knowing the fate of her dear daughter, or the horrors that awaited her and her unborn sister.

"Terry.." Gloria stepped forward, holding the pale baby in her bronze arms. Terry lifted her head towards the woman and smiled a toothy grin despite the immense pain in her lower abdomen.

A single tear crept its way down her face and the woman handed her the infant. Terry cooed to the young thing and smiled at her. "There she is...my little Elizabeth.."

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