Chapter 2 ~ Situating

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Spencer Reid's POV

Spencer watched Peter swing down and pick up the blond woman. Saw as he ran, faster than a normal human, but not fast enough. As the building hit the ground and people screamed, he felt like he couldn't breathe. The dust was blinding, and he had to put an arm up to block the dust. He could hear people cough and his own lungs itched to do the same. Instead, he moved towards the building. Tears were in his eyes as he stormed into the dust. "REID!" Morgan screamed but he didn't care. His son was in there, he could be dying.

It was difficult to move through the building but with the knowledge he had, he had a good idea of where his son would've wound up. He grabbed out his flashlight and used the beam to cut through the dust. However, a hand was on his shoulder. Panic made him fling himself away from the hands and he stumbled to the ground with a startled cry. "Reid," Morgan said again in confusion. He held out his hand and Spencer numbly took it. "There's no way-"

"Don't." He couldn't think like that, he needed to believe that Peter was still alive.

Sensing the beginning of an episode or a panic attack, Derek Morgan sighed and pulled out his flashlight, "Let's look then."

Thankful, Reid continued, knowing that Morgan was following him. "By my calculations, he should be about 78.935 feet that way."

With that, they went on in silence, a pace faster than normal. Spencer knew as they got closer and closer that there was only a 2.3% chance that a person could like through this. However, with Peter's advanced abilities he had a better chance. Morgan ducked into another doorway and Reid did the same.

There in the room was Peter laying face-first into the glass shattered on the ground. There was blood pooling around him, and next to him was the woman he tried so hard to save. Her pool of blood was bigger.

He selfishly let Morgan check up on her as he dropped to the ground on the glass next to his son. Spencer carefully turned him over and whispered, "Peter?"

"She's gone," Morgan said sadly, and Reid squeezed his eyes shut.

"Peter?" Resting a gently had on Peter's neck he checked for a pulse. He slipped his hand inside of the mask and he found one. "Morgan!" Tears were in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. "I've got a pulse!" He was trying to control his breathing as he continued to feel Peter's pulse. "We need a medic."

"I'll carry him out," Morgan said, and Spencer could barely pull himself away from his son.

"Please be okay," he said as Morgan started, carefully towards the door. If Morgan noticed Spencer's flapping hands, he didn't say a word.

Spencer signaled ahead for a medic and as the paramedics came up and took Peter from Morgan, he let the tears fall. "Reid?" Derek asked and he tried to force himself to stop crying. "Let me into that genius head of yours." He looked away from Peter getting put on a cot, he could feel himself shaking. The man sighed and glanced down at his knees. Spencer's pants were ripped and bloody from where he dropped to the ground. With ease, he started leading Reid towards the ambulance. "Can you look at his knees as well?" They let him into the ambulance with Peter and a weight was lifted off Spencer. He nodded his thanks to Morgan before the doors closed.

He sat next to Peter trying his best to help and stay out of the way at the same time. His heart broke every time Peter let out a groan or whine. They soon took him out and into the hospital. Someone pointed Reid to the desk, and he struggled to leave Peter's side. But with one more warning not to remove the mask, he went to the desk. "Hello, I'm Doctor Reid from the FBI. We just brought in Spider-Man; he is to be kept away from the press and no one I don't allow is to be let in the room. He has an identity to protect and we won't force that from him."

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