Chapter 22 ~ Park Imperial

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Spencer's POV

TW: blood, rape

Spencer opened drawers and rustled through all the papers in there. Eyes working fast as he skimmed through document after document, everything he had collected over his time in New York. As he reached the bottom, his eye caught the hospital bill from Peter's accident.

Spencer rolled Peter down to the exit of the hospital. A woman opens the door for him, and he murmurs thanks. She nods to him then links arms with a man, leaving the hospital herself. Peter makes a quiet sound of pain and Spencer stops, giving his son his full attention. The couple brush past them, the man's hand skimming Spencer's thigh. He jumps and moves closer to Peter, as he checks over his shoulder at the couple.

The night Spencer had been raped, would forever be in his mind. It shaped who he was and gave him his son. The fact that it had been a couple, never left him. But suddenly he's realizing that he wasn't looking for a partner. If there was one, which he was sure of, it hadn't been his main priority. That's what he was getting wrong. It wasn't just him and Benjamin Hughes. It's an FBI investigation of a couple, that killed and raped. She couldn't be ignored in this role, she had power. Maybe she was the submissive one, that doesn't mean she wouldn't insert herself in Spencer's life. Even if that was just for Hughes' benefit.

Spencer passed by the building, the process of cleaning it up was slow-moving. The sight sent a pang of guilt and grief through him. "Are you here to volunteer?" The woman asked and Spencer snapped his gaze towards her. She was a taller, Asian woman, around 5' 10" and muscles evident in her arms. "Did you hear me?"

She asks again and he shakes his head. "Sorry, I was just- it's a shame, but I'm glad not many people were hurt." He responds and she nods.

"I'm happy about the job, but it's a shame. The building had a great structure. We might be able to reuse the entire basement. I've been working on the outline." She admits and Spencer is pleasantly surprised.

Twisting the strap of his messenger bag he nods away from the building. "I should get going." He starts off but she calls out stopping him.

"I didn't catch your name."

He turns and gives her an awkward smile, "Spencer."

She grins like she won an award, "Nice to meet ya Spencer. I'm Asha," she waves, and he gives her a small wave before walking away.

He connected the two incidents... the building that brought him here. It's not just connecting him and Peter but Asha, Hughes's new partner. He swings his door open and rushes out, "Park Imperial. It's the reason I'm here. That Peter's in my life!" He rushes, "Hughes' new partner is the architect for the project. The basement's still intact."

"And the perfect place to hold someone," Hotch mutters. "Let's move, we don't know Peter's condition." Spencer secures a vest and his gun. He starts out before heading back into his room. He grabs the lavender watch and puts it on. Testing it, it changes into a gun, and he aims it before changing it back. Then he's slipping into an SUV being driven to the building.

As they get there and Hotch gives everyone orders, he finds himself with Hotch and two other police officers. They go in together watching each other's backs. Slipping further and further into the building. He ignores the old memories, instead, holding his gun up and steady. There's a beep on his watch, and he glances down. The screen shows that Spider-Man is in the area. Hotch raises an eyebrow. "Peter made it. It's telling me that his web-shooters are in the area. Since he never takes them off it's a good sign." He whispers not wanting to be too loud. Hotch nods and looks a little relieved at the words. As they walk they run into a crossroads. The conflicted look on Hotch's face isn't awe-inspiring.

"Reid with Francisco, you with me. Keep a lookout for each other." He orders and Spencer starts off down the area with Francisco.

They don't speak, they just keep going. Watching carefully for any sign of life. He's still caught off guard when he sees light up ahead. He holds up a hand and sneaks forwards. Carefully as he can he gently pushes open the door. The sight is worse than he had thought it would be. His son has a pole going through him and looks half dead.

However, his focus is forced away from his son when he's slammed into the wall, gun flying from his grip. Then a gunshot rings through the air and Francisco falls to the ground. Spencer tries to break free as he looks into Hughes' eyes. There's too much pressure on his throat and he can't breathe. His gun is too far away, and his vision is going blurry. Then there's a prick on his neck and he can barely focus as the needle drops to the ground. He's being slowly brought to the floor as he feels Dilaudid coursing through his veins. "I've got you," Hughes whispers and it's almost caring. However, that might just be the drug telling him that.

He looks away from Hughes and tries to find Peter in the blur of drugs. Instead, his gaze lands on the body of Francisco. Guilt builds in him and he fights to stay awake. He moves his gaze and he's Hughes' partner, Ashe, stands off to the side grinning as she lowered her gun. So... she's the one who fired the shot, he thought.

Once she noticed his gaze, her grin widens. She waves with her fingers and Spencer, as quickly as possible, looks away. His vision sways and he's trying to find the strength to move, to say something. Except it's been so long since he had taken these drugs, and it was hitting harder than they used to. "You've been a great mother to Peter," Hughes nuzzles into Spencer's neck. "We're going to be a big happy family. I'll be a good husband to you. I'll get you all the drugs you want, and you won't have to lift a finger again. Just a good trophy wife." He said into Spencer's ear. Placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth as he backs away.

"You'll take care of my other child; you'll be such a good mom." Spencer's having trouble focusing, and for a minute he wonders if the drug is already giving him hallucinations. "Her name's Ashe, she's been so helpful. You'll be proud." He grins and Spencer looks away and towards where Peter should be. However, there's a hand on his face forcing him to look at Hughes once again. "That's rude, look at me when I'm talking to you." Hughes lets go of Spencer's face but then he's slapped, his head whipping to the side from the blow. "I'll improve your manners, don't worry. I've got you Baby Boy."

Well... there's that.  Hope you all enjoyed it!!!!!!!!! Sadly the gif didn't want to work at the beginning of the chapter so I put it at the end. Which weirdly worked but at least it worked!

Love y'all<3

Love y'all<3

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