Fight in the Forbidden Forest

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It was almost 11pm and five students were walking towards Hagrid's hut with Filch. He looked back at them and sneered:

"Oh I wish they never let the old punishments die. There'd be a time wandering at night would see you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screams."

Hermione shuddered and moved even closer to Y/N. He squeezed her with the arm he had wrapped around her shoulder as he snapped at the caretaker:

"Seriously you've got issues Filch. If I was you, I'd be more concerned with the relationship between you and that cat. When someone told you to love pussy I don't think that's what they meant."

Filch glared at Y/N furiously while the other four looked at him puzzled.

I'm glad they don't get that meaning Y/N chuckled to himself. Filch sneered again:

"You brats will be spending the evening with Hagrid. He has some business in the forest."

Malfoy made a noise that resembled a scared little girl. Harry and Ron look frightened. Hermione hugged Y/N tighter. Y/N was the only one to reply:

"Cool. It's been a while since I was in there. And by the way we know numbnuts, it was written on our bloody detention slips".

Filch didn't answer as the group walked the rest of the way in silence.

They arrived and knocked on Hagrid's door. He opened it and a huge smile broke across his face at seeing Y/N.

"Y/N! Yer did a fantastic job with Norbert. He's so happy in there, flying around chasing birds. Yer a natural daddy".

Y/N smiled happily.

"Thanks Hagrid. I'm going to miss Norbert though. So what exactly are we looking for in the forest?"

No one was paying any attention to Filch so he slunk off like the creepy bastard he was. Hagrid looked at Y/N worried as he replied with a serious tone:

"I'll tell you when we get there. Just try to keep calm ok Y/N, for Hermione."

Y/N narrowed his eyes. He was tempted to use legilimency but didn't want to violate the trust of one of his closest friends. Instead he answered earnestly:

"That isn't reassuring Hagrid"

Hermione looked at Y/N with fear in her eyes, as she interlocked their hands and fingers. Y/N looked down at her worried face and she heard him in her mind.

Don't be afraid Hermione. I'll keep you safe.


The six walked towards the Forbidden Forest and entered it. Hagrid had his crossbow primed and Y/N unsheathed his wand. After a while Y/N stopped dead, looking forward with trepidation as he muttered:


Hermione looked at Y/N concerned. If he was fearful how bad must it be? She asked:

"What's wrong Y/N?"

And was surprised when he didn't answer, instead he walked forward and sheathed his wand, releasing her hand. She watched as he walked up to a tree and touched a silvery substance smeared on some of the leaves. Hermione asked fearfully:

"Y/N, what is that?"

Y/N answered instantly:

"Unicorn blood. This is why we're here Hagrid?"

The half giant sighed.

"Yes. Y/N I'm sorry. I found one dead on Thursday. Looks like this one is in trouble."

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