Member #1 - (A.I.D.S) Part 1/4

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Shimmies Bar

6/22/2018 - (11:18 PM)

It was late evening, Lucky & Silents were at Shimmies to hang out to try to figure out a way to create a team of Runaway Wardens. But how?

Lucky & Silents looked at the bartender, Mr. Shimmie, while he was cleaning a glass. Lucky then asked, "Hey Shimmie, are there any Wardens you can think of that can join our team?"

Mr. Shimmie started to laugh. He was laughing so hard that he was redder than a beet, laughing to the point where he dropped his glass that he was cleaning and put his head down on the bar, and laughed even more.

Lucky sighed and was disappointed with the response he had, so disappointed to the point where he felt embarrassed.

When Mr. Shimmies came back to his senses, he then answered. "Guys! I've been living in Wakefield ever since I retired as a bounty hunter. Which was over five years ago."

Lucky & Silents both then sighed even bigger because of the answer.

"But, maybe your weapons dealer, Rocket, could lead you to someone." finished Mr. Shimmies

Lucky & Silents then looked up, looked at each other, smiled, and thanked Mr. Shimmies. Then left.


11:44 PM

Silents and Lucky then left the bar and started to walk to Rocket's weapons dealership.

While walking Lucky asked Silents, "What type of Wardens do we need for our group?" Silents looked at Lucky while his smile looked very unsettled. Silents then answered, "Honestly Lucky, I ain't got a friggin' clue about who and what we need for teammates."

Silents and Lucky had been walking for 15 minutes. Then they finally arrived at Rockets dealership. Silent knocked on the door.

"Do you think that she is still awake? It's a quarter to midnight, and also all the lights are out inside her house," asked Lucky.

"Nope but she's about to be!" answered Silents while he was banging on the door even harder, and repeatedly yelling Rocket's name.

"Maybe we should come back tomorrow when the shop's open." suggested Lucky.

"You may be right, but I'd rather know now than later!" replied Silent.

Silent was now banging the door even harder.

As Lucky looked at Rocket's window, he noticed that a light was turned on. He could see a shadow of a figure coming closer to the window. The figure then opened the window. When the window was open two shots were fired.

Both shots hit Lucky in his left shoulder. Lucky screamed in pain on the ground. Silent dragged Lucky to the left side of the house and set Lucky against the wall.

Silents asked Lucky, "Where did the shots come from?"

Silents looked around then looked at Lucky's face. Lucky had a furious rage in his eyes. Silents then asked, "Why do you look pissed off?"

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