Member #1 - (A.I.D.S) Part 2/4

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The Handymen were prepared for their new challenger A.I.D.S! but they will have to drive to San Francisco to find this Warden. San Francisco is also crawling with Bounty Hunters and Wardens, searching for the same target, but have yet to succeed.

The Handymen will have to find clues, hints & answers to find A.I.D.S. and also stay low because they can't forget that they are a higher bounty than A.I.D.S.

A.I.D.S Bounty reward is $1.5 million, while Lucky & Silence are $3 million, EACH! $7 million if BOTH are captured and Alive!

6/23/2018 - 11:42 AM

The Handymen are at San Francisco asking civilians for clues. All they've got was that A.I.D.S is probably around the Golden Gate Bridge. The Handymen headed for the bridge.

When they arrived they asked each other for a plan. They sat down to think of a plan. After a while, Silents asked Lucky, Do we have any earpieces to communicate wirelessly?

Lucky looked inside his bag and confirmed that there are a total of two earpieces.

The Handymen were analyzing the Golden Gate Bridge for about half an hour. Then Lucky felt something unsettling in his gut, while Silents smelled a strong odor in the air, a stench that he hadn't smelled in ages. The stench of blood, the smell of a Warden.

The Handymen heard a person yell, "Hey you!" behind their backs. They looked back to see that it was a Warden holding a Bowie Knife. Pointing it at the Handymen and warning them they should stop searching for A.I.D.S and run along.

Lucky pulled out one of his pistols and aimed at the Warden's head, and proclaimed, He is not here to warn us he is here to finish us.

Lucky then warns Warden that he doesn't want to fight them, especially bringing a knife to a gunfight.

The Warden called Lucky a pussy, and claimed that the Handymen are no men.

Lucky then laughed and said, I'm nothing and you are nothing, but I'll give you a chance. Lucky then aimed at the Warden's foot and a shot was fired.

The Warden fell to the ground, screaming in pain. The Warden asked Lucky, "How is that giving me a chance?" Lucky told the Warden, "We are either going to play a quick and painless game or a slow and painful game."

Lucky looked and nodded at Silents. Silents grabbed a hold of the wounded Wardens' hand. Lucky explained to the Warden, the game that they are going to play. " Now! The rules are simple. Each question that we ask needs to be answered. If you tell the truth you will be fine and you will win $500 thousand, but if you tell a lie you will have one of your fingers broken. Once all of your fingers are broken you will be finished with a bullet in the head!" explained Lucky.

Silents smiled even bigger and claimed that he'll start first. "Question number one. Did someone hire you to kill us?"

The Warden laughed and answered, No. I just wanted to kill.

Silents looked back at Lucky nodded his head, Silents chuckled, and smiled even bigger than before, then broke the Warden's right pinky. The Warden screamed in agonizing pain.

"That's Strike One. You have nine to go." Proclaimed Silents.

Lucky looked at the Warden's eyes, the Warden's eyes were filled with fear, not with pain though, it was an odd look. Lucky then looked deeper into the Warden's eyes, he was looking at something in the sky. Lucky then looked straight up and saw a drone about 70 feet up in the air. The drone was holding something square and blinking red. Lucky straightened his glasses and looked closer and knew what it was carrying. It was C4 Explosive.

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