Member #1 - (A.I.D.S) Part 4/4

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6/23/2018 - 8:03 PM

Silents finally woke up after the conflict and looked over to see that Lucky was still unconscious Silents then rushed over to see if Lucky was okay, Silents shook Lucky for a minute, and Lucky finally woke up. 

Lucky groaned and looked at Silents. Silents then asked Lucky, "Are you, okay man? What the hell happened?" Lucky grunted and rubbed his head then told Silents, "Well you got knocked out after you crashed the car into the hideout. I was surprisingly fine and found A.I.D.S on the ground slightly unconscious. Then he got up while I told him 'not to do anything funny.' He told me he already did and then my phone went off and stunned me! knocking me out! Before I was fully out though I saw him throwing you out of the car and drove away with it."

"Shit! What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Asked Silents.

Lucky responded. "Unfortunately, he's probably long gone by now. I don't know how we are going to find this..." Silents cut off Lucky telling him to look at the television. 

It was Breaking News in a suburban area recorded live with a helicopter, stating that the police are hunting down A.I.D.S along with other bounty hunters, the live recording feed showed crashed cars and people knocked out, some were killed by explosives. They claimed that A.I.D.S is the cause of the destruction and mayhem. 

"How far is that from here?" Asked Lucky. Silents pulled up the location on his phone saying that the location is a little less than 5 miles. Lucky got up and claimed, "We have our heading!" Silents smiled big and yelled "Hell Yeah!" 

Both "The Handymen" rushed out of the destroyed hideout and found a parked car to steal, Silents broke the driver's window and unlocked the doors Lucky got in and hot-wired the car. They're finally off!

6/23/2018 - 8:12 PM

"The Handymen" finally arrived at the general location after seeing many crashed vehicles, broken traffic lights flashing red, and a few craters because of explosions. 

Lucky turned over to talk to Silents while getting both of his pistols ready. "Man, this guy is going all out isn't he?" Silents nodded his head and responded, "Yeah looks like it!" Silents then pulls into an alley and parked the vehicle there.

Lucky told Silents that they should come up with a plan because they have a lot of obstacles to go through first, the police and the other bounty hunters. Lucky suggested that they both cover the high and low ground. Silents agreed and responded "I'll take the low ground you take the high ground. sounds good?" Lucky agreed and said "Just be sure to keep a low profile, if we come across any enemies we'll have to shut them down! Silents smiled while responding, "Fine with me!" 

The Handymen were just about to split up but Lucky looked back and told Silents, "leave your phone behind the guy can make your phone go off and electrocute you and knock you out." Silents then took out his phone and left it in the car. Silents then responded to Lucky, "Thanks, man!" Now the Handymen can finally proceed with the mission.

6/23/2018 8:23 PM

Silents is now walking down the streets, trying to find clues on where A.I.D.S is, while Lucky is up on the rooftops scouting the area. 

Silents walked about two blocks and found a group of civilians crying over a dead body. Silents cautiously approached the civilians and asked "What happened here?" A young adult female looked up at Silents and was trying to respond while sobbing. "This wanted outlaw just killed my boyfriend! The man threw some sort of bomb at a car, then it exploded and some of the debris from the car hit my boyfriend and killed him instantly! The woman sobbed even harder hugging her boyfriend's derpse. Silents kneeled doxt to the woman, and put his hand on her shoulder, then responded to the lady, "I'm rerry for your loss... but I am actually a bounty hunter trying to find this guy. maybe we can both help each other out?" The woman stopped crying and asked, "How?" Silents looked into her eyes and offered, "All I need I to know which direction did he go, and in return, I'll pay you $10,000. Do we have a deal? The young lady wiped her tears and asked "In cash?" Silents smiled and responded, "Of course!" The woman took a deep breath and told Silents what she knew, "I saw him head east down this street, he's probably down a few blocks. The police, unfortunately, lost him, because of the destruction he caused." Silents smiled even bigger and thanked her, and walked away, heading in that direction. The woman yelled and asked Silents "Wait! where's my money?" Silents yelled in the distance, You'll get it in a minute, just stay there and be patient." The woman then screamed at Silents, "Liar!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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