chapter three

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the strangling sound of an alarm clock woke sora up from his distant sleep. after getting home at midnight, studying for a few hours, and restlessly wondering about the previous night's events, it's safe to say that he was exhausted. sora flung himself back under the covers, wishing that time would turn back so he could get more sleep.

seconds later, his deafening phone ringtone sounded from the side-table next to his bed, further disturbing the night owl from his zombie-like state.

suga-suga is calling...

a grunt escaped from his lips, slapping his face to clear his vision, and accepted the call without fully registering the caller id on the screen.


"hey sleeping beauty, hopefully I didn't wake you from your insomnia trance," he teased slightly, "but I have some info for you," suga's honey voice seeped through the phone's speakers. sora, on the other hand, felt like mold on bread that jumped out of a fifty-story building and into a polluted river; dramatic, but accurate. 

"what is it, koushi?" he mumbled.

"we have a practice match next tuesday, against aoba johsai. i know it's saturday, but we just found out the news!"

"okay, and how does that pertain to me?"

"mr. grumpy-i-woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed, i want you to come watch!"

"huh? why? are you playing?"

"well, they requested that kageyama is to play the entire practice match, so uh, no. I still want you to come watch us, pretty please sora?"

sora internally wanted to die, why did he call so damn early in the morning?

"I'm so close to blocking you right now, you're not even playing-"

"listen you dense block of cheese, your pupils are going to play! at least come for them!"

the younger boy grumbled incoherent words into the speaker, "fine." a sudden clash of a door opening interrupted the phone call, and two voices were picked up on the other end. the bickering of the two figures told him already that it was the duo he met the night before. 

"is that sora?"

a light smile sprung out onto sora's perished face, the immediate grogginess of his terrible night of sleeping slightly disappearing to make himself sound more inviting. the last thing he wanted was to scare off two first-years with his bitchy morning attitude. sugawara attempted to hide the phone from them, but couldn't resist their pleads to talk to sora.

"sora! how are you doing? we're at practice right now!" the pair spoke together, not missing a single beat. for guys who dislike each other strongly, I'm quite shocked at how they manage to speak in sync. although, I think they do practice beforehand sometimes. 

"I'm doing alright, I just woke up so I'm pretty sore. why are you guys at practice on a saturday? shouldn't you be resting?" sora couldn't help but wonder why they were at practice during the weekends, as they usually had the weekends off to their leisure, in order to complete school work, study, and reset for the next week of life. especially as first years that just entered a new era in their lives. 

"well," suga started, "the thing I didn't tell you about these two is that they got into a fight when they first joined, and daichi said they had to win a practice match against the other first years in order for kageyama to continue playing as a setter. these guys won by the way~" he ranted, listening to kageyama and hinata sizzle at the situation.

"good job you two! I'm so proud of my favorite first years, this is adding so much serotonin to my life," sora congratulated, genuinely happy that the two of them won and figured out how to work together for the time being. the boys grew a bit flustered, not used to hearing the praise, especially from such a powerful player. "thank you sora!"

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