In which she slowly realizes that his facade was simply an act. Only to lure her in, and break her before she herself knew it.
"Manipulation is key."
[Yandere!Diluc x reader]
[Husband!Kazuha x wife!reader]
[AU of sorts!]
[Slow updates]
[2 Writers ]
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Death wasn't an easy thing, nor was it a hard thing. Simply just having it there would create something, but life and death revolve around each other- like yin and yang, fire and ice, sun and moon, cold and warm. They all balance each other out, that is how they were put together.
"fire and ice. a common thing to see around. we used to be like fire and ice."
"Who are you? You aren't the brother I once knew, so who are you?!" Kaeya held his sword out towards diluc, he felt betrayed, hurt above all. had he finally decided kaeya was no longer anything to him? did he finally see him as a nuisance?
All sense of belief was thrown out the moment diluc decided to act on impulses. truthfully, who had the higher ground? Was it kaeya or was it diluc? In a nonsensical way, neither of them had it, they were both people. brother's in a sense.
Kaeya threw the bottle at diluc, it hitting and breaking on impact. Maybe the rain was a great factor- it added dramatic effect, but what else does Kaeya have to lose?
His life most likely.
Diluc decided he had had enough, he went after him. What else did diluc exactly want from Kaeya?
Why exactly did he go angry when he realized just how much Kaeya was right about her. Maybe that was the angering part, he was right about her having no interest in him at all.
the truth was that she saw him as a friend- a person she could confide in, not some lover. truthfully, she really did see him as a brother, or a friend. she was- and always will be- loyal to kazuha.
diluc gripped his claymore tighter. if he hadn't worn glove kaeya would be able to see his hand turn pale from how tight he gripped it, maybe kazuha's name simply made him angry- he hadn't really thought of much now.
but now that he stared at kaeya...
he realized his mistake all along. it wasn't her, it wasn't his impulses. it was his idiotic mistakes he's made- his advances rather.
"I suppose this is where we meet an end... a parting if you dare say."
they clashed.
kaeya truthfully didn't want to fight diluc. in honesty, he simply wanted nothing more to reconnect with him, tell him most things- he wanted, in truth, to be brother's again. he didn't want his life to end with being morally correct about diluc's feelings toward's her.
he was strong, his cryo could and would last- but now he wasn't sure if he had really thought all to well about his brothers' well being, mentality really.
he would've- should've- known better than to test diluc's deranged mind.
and when they moved away from each other, diluc saw kaeya was hurt, his eye told all. kaeya saw through diluc's eyes that this wasn't him. nothing he ever did was him- but he couldn't exactly understand what drove him to such lengths.
the rain at some point stop, so kaeya had no advantage anymore. and he knew his outcome.
he knew wasn't going to go back to angel's share the next day, drink away his stress, annoy diluc, speak with the other's he had become acquainted with, and see his friend.
if he knew much, it was that he wouldn't ever forgive himself for what happened when they were younger. he still held all the guilt, he even knew diluc would forgive him- but he knew time was time. and he knew once resolved everything would work out later.
so he forgave diluc for everything. although the scars would always be with him no matter what. no matter how much he buried them- he would always forgive diluc for everything.
so he smiled.
it was bittersweet. one that told diluc that he forgave him for killing himm one that said that he understood why he was still hated by him, and finally one that told everything he had felt within the fight they had.
so when he felt diluc's claymore hit him, he didn't hate him. he simply let all that had happened fade away into nothingness. it became the past as he slowly and painfully died.
so when the final words came out he was left with even more hurt.
"i forgive you..."
"I don't care."
death was a hurtful thing, but at times it was best that way.