In which she slowly realizes that his facade was simply an act. Only to lure her in, and break her before she herself knew it.
"Manipulation is key."
[Yandere!Diluc x reader]
[Husband!Kazuha x wife!reader]
[AU of sorts!]
[Slow updates]
[2 Writers ]
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he stared through the window, just how long has it been that he had been staring? he didn't know. along the way he stopped telling time and simply got lost in her figure. she was absolutely beautiful, magnificent to the eye... she was everything he wanted and more...
however, there stood a problem before their ever-blooming love. someone else loved her, someone else had her heart on their sleeve-- and they wore it proudly. they wore her heart so proudly it was sickening... just how much do you have to show people you love her and would do anything for her?
diluc was becoming angry. and he didn't need to be angry, not when he had an advantage to kazuha. she trusted him-- just how much? he didn't know, but it was enough to let him pour her drinks at the tavern.
he sighed, eyes trailed all over her figure. it was a shame that they fell asleep with the curtains open, he could see everything that had happened. it... it was odd how they seemed so in love.
when, in truth, he and y/n were far more in love than this pitiful excuse of this man. and it hurt him. it hurt him to know that she played with his heart, that she tore it out and displayed it for the world.
but he breathed in and out to calm his nerves. no rage could destroy the plans he had in mind, not when they were perfect. he just had to take care of the problem that was in between their love.
Diluc took a step back, and he smiled.
with every step he took in the plan, the closer he was to enrapturing her love. he was so in love with her, why couldn't she see that?
was he too subtle? was he not showing enough affection to her? is that why she was cheating on him with that disgusting, horrendous, vile man. he was garbage, how could she love a man like him? she was too good for him. she was angelic, that man wasn't good enough for someone like her. no one but him deserved her, and diluc was furious with how much he wished to be someone so bad.
it was odd, considering he's never wanted something quite badly as this. he's never felt such emotions quite this strong-- everything was so new and foreign to him that he had no idea but to let those emotions act out.
it was odd, sure, but he still welcomed it considering how wrong it was to do such a thing.
when he looked back at the window, he saw kazuha's tired figure walking towards the window. however, when kazuha was about to close them he made eye contact with diluc.
they stared at each other, kazuha's eyes wide with shock, and diluc just simply stared at him with no emotion at all. with this in mind, kazuha simply closed the curtains and played it off as nothing but him seeing things.
after all, why would diluc be watching them sleep?
diluc let out a disgruntled sigh, he truly didn't understand why certain things happened, or why he felt such a strong yearning for her. sometimes he wished that she would just tell him her feelings and stop leading him on.
he also didn't like the fact that she feigned innocence at times to get over a topic-- but, oh, he loved it so much that he couldn't help but adore it.
he couldn't help that nonsensical feeling rushing to get its own display in front of her. to show her that he yearned for her, that yearning often led to his own diluted fantasies.
was that wrong? perhaps, but no such thing could ruin them. those were fantasies, and he wanted to turn them into a reality with her. it was a wish.
"adeline, no one has come by?" midnight was a thing diluc had awaited for while watching kazuha and y/n sleep. he had to take care of things that had been left undone for a while.
"no, master diluc." he nodded, and walked upstairs to where the entrance of the attic was.
"if anyone comes, tell them I am away on business some where." she complied, and he went into the attic, making sure to lock the door.
getting rid of bodies was a difficult thing once they've been left to rot somewhere. the next best thing someone could do was simply hide them, and that was exactly what he was doing.
after he had gotten rid of kaeya, all that was left was trying to think of a way to actually get rid of him. to dispose of his body.
"what to do, what to do..." diluc sighed, shaking his head. he folded the old rug kaeya was on and began his diluted plan.
kazuha held up the glass to his lips, a bond smile present as he did do. y/n wore a teasing smile while watching him, "isn't it great? the wine, master diluc gave me."
kazuha nodded, "yes... however, can he simply give away if he so pleases to?" he placed the glass onto the table and stared at y/n.
"I suppose so? I haven't an idea of why he gave it to me, but I do appreciate it." she stretched and yawned, "come on, I have a surprise for you." the glint in her eyes gave kazuha a faint idea of what was to come with their night.
and he gladly relished in that fact and thought.
diluc stood at still as he could, his fist clenched and unclenched at the mere sight; sounds he was seeing and hearing. had he known they were so far along in their relationship he would have given up. however, he was far too gone from sanity to understand that.
he had buried kaeya's body, and now he was seeing his beloved share such impure things with a man who hadn't a clue of how to treat.
" on the list: Kaedehara Kazuha." diluc turned away, his eyes held a glow of inproper things, yet the flame only grew.
perhaps ridding y/n of kazuha would give him the opening to capture her heart within his hand.
that was the proper plan, rid kazuha and have her to himself.
Thanks guys for 1k reads, we appreciate you guys for this. as well as the fact that you enjoy this a bit more.
we'll also see to it, to getting a proper update schedule.