Chapter 35

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The Elemental Masters flew on their dragons back to Ninjago, except Y/n who was both the elemental master and the dragon.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything," Lloyd advises.

"How did we lose that much time?" Kai asks.

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind," Dareth replies.

"And we're not all quick learners," Jay adds. "Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time."

"Well, we're running out of that," Nya says.

"Ninjago City is just up ahead," Y/n adds. "We better hurry."

"Hurry's my middle name. Hyah!" Griffin cheers.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one," Lloyd tells the elemental masters.

"Let's do this!" Jay cheers.

The ninjas landed in Ninjago City. When Kai landed his dragon with Skylor, a lady was quick to scream.

"Serpentine!" She yelled, sending everyone else into a frenzy.

Seeing the expression on Skylor's face, Y/n couldn't help but feel a little bad.

"I wish I still had the power to change," Skylor comments.

"You have changed," Kai points out. "You're with us now."

An old woman honked her car horn. "Could you be a dear and move your dragon?... Thank you, young man."

"If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon asks.

"We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone," Lloyd tells Skylor. "Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people."

"Aye aye, Captain," Y/n says, getting an eye roll from Lloyd. "Alright, aye aye, boyfriend," She says, pecking his cheek.

"Much better," Lloyd jokes, Kai rolling his eyes too.

Skylor then noticed her hand going back to normal, the Anacondrai scales retreating.

"Why is the spell wearing off? If we attack now and turn back to normal, everything will be for nothing!" Chen groans.

"Eh, about that..." Chope says. "Uh, we read everything on page 149, but lo and behold, the spell continues onto the next page."

"You slithering klutzes! What have I told you about attention to details? I knew I should've had Clouse read the spell," Chen almost seems to whine. "'In order for the transformation to become permanent, one must obtain the essence of a true Anacondrai.' Where are we supposed to get that? There aren't any real Anacondrai left!"

"Eh, but if there's any out there, we'll find it," Kapau says.

"There's another problem, Master," Zugu reports. "The ninja and their friends have arrived."

"Oh, why must conquering Ninjago be so difficult?" Chen rhetorically asks. "Fine. We change plans. It's not like I don't have something else up my sleeve."

"And what's that, Master?"

"This!" Chen replies, throwing the Book of Spells at Zugu. "Now come on. We have some scheming to do."

The Ninja, Garmadon and Skylor entered Nya's Samurai X Cave, Zane's falcon screeching and landing on his arm.

"And hello to you, my old friend," Zane greets the bird.

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