Chapter 2

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The ninja were serious about stepping up their game after the Lloyd Garmadon and Hypnobrai situation at Jamankai Village. At roughly six in the morning, Y/n, the light sleeper, was awoken by their early morning.

At first she groaned about it, tossing and turning away from the window and covering her ears with the pillows but nothing worked. She could hear the ninjas battle cries and the working training equipment with the occasional sound of flesh and bone meeting wood.

After it was made extremely clear to her that she wouldn't be able to sleep, she got out of bed and got ready for the day. Her feet met the floor as she dragged herself to the toilet, fatigue seemingly imprinted into her DNA. After, she went to the kitchen, making a sandwich before entering the training ground with her breakfast, sitting at the sidelines unnoticed.

The ninja soon noticed her, obviously shocked as she was never the morning person. Y/n being Y/n, took the chance to whine about how they were too loud for her to go back to sleep. The ninja chuckled and laugh before going back to training, occasionally glancing back at her.

The sun eventually rose up in the sky again. The dark sky turned back to the bright blue that everyone loved, the stars promising their return as they were outshone once. Tiredness was removed from Y/n and she occasionally swayed side to side as she watched the ninja train.

"My turn! Uh, it's my turn!" Kai insists.

"Oh, you want a little more? Take this!" Cole yells.

"Yeah? How about a little of this?" Jay rhetorically asks.

"Monkey paw to the head!" Kai says as Y/n giggles.

"Monkey paw!" She says before erupting with giggles again.

"Ninja, roll!"

"Dragon punch!"

Everyone had began changing their activities, trying to improve and pick up as many skills as possible. In doing so, Jay had moved on to deflecting arrows with his lightning nunchucks. Cole was fighting the dummies and Kai did Spinjitzu while Zane sat calmly in the middle of the chaos, meditating.

"Ninja, go!"

As if someone had flipped a switch in him, Zane got up and jumped in front of Jay.

Knocked off of his flow, Jay cried out. "Hey! Huh?"

Zane snatched Cole's weapon and cut the dummy right in half, confusing the earth ninja.

"Hey! What?"

"Ninja, go!"

Zane did his Spinjitzu, freezing the floor as Kai slipped.

"Woah, oof!"

Annoyed, the remaining three ninja gathered in a circle, eyeing Zane.

"This roof isn't big enough for the four of us," Kai comments.

"Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him," Cole responds.

"It's like he's in his own world," Jay says. "I bet he can't even hear us!" 

Sensei arrived, Y/n bowing out of instinct. The sensei nodded at her sign of acknowledgment before approaching his angered disciples.

"Sensei, Zane's...weird," Kai says.

"What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?" Sensei asks.

"No, Sensei. He's 'weird' weird," Cole replies.

"We like the guy. He's really smart. He's just..." Kai sighs. "A little off sometimes."

"Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different," Wu explains, a sad story hidden in his voice. "I should know."

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