V - Fate brings me back to you as a joke

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Takemichi Pov

I'M GOING TO SAVE EVERYONE! THIS IS NO LONGER JUST ABOUT HINA! I rushed to see Naoto so I could change the future. We shake hands, and I go back to the past.

"Uhhh.... Where am I" I looked around to find that I was sitting on a bench in the city? What was I doing here? I don't live anywhere near this area?

"Hey, Takemichi" I turn to see that it's Y/N? She looks so different in the future. She seems happier now but seems so serious and tense. My eyes began to water a bit.

"Woah Woah, are you ok? Uhhh, shoot, I'm not good with emotional people. Do you want ice cream or uhh OH! Tissue! Here." Y/N gives me a tissue. She looks nervous and worried, and it's kinda funny. In between my tears, I started to laugh.

"Huh? Now your laughing? Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Hahahaha. Ice cream?" I said to her, and she started to get embarrassed.


Wait, what is she doing here? Maybe we just stumbled across each other. "What a coincidence meeting you here."

"What do you mean coincidence, you said to meet you here?" she said. "I did? I MEAN, OF COURSE, I DID." Shit, I can't have her thinking there's anything weird going on. She needs to believe that I'm me, the me I've always been, not a time traveler or anything ha ha ha.

"So why did you call me out here? Is there someone bothering you? I'll take care of them no problem." WHY DID I CALL HER OUT HERE? I NEED TO THINK OF SOMETHING FAST. I CAN'T STOP SWEATING."Uhhhh, Takemichi, are you feeling ok?" Crap, she's on to me. "Yeah, of course, I'm fine; why wouldn't I be fine? Do I not look fine?" Nailed it!

"Uh.. ok? Imma just go then" She turned around in confusion and started to walk away.

Y/N Pov

"Oh.. ok? Imma just go then" Takemichi can be really weird sometimes. At least I live close by. I check the time 10:30 am. Perfect, I have plenty of time.

"Wait, where are you going?" Takemichi says, running to walk side by side with me. "I'm going to visit my little sister,"

"WAIT, YOU HAVE A SISTER?!?" Takemichi yelled, grabbing everyone's attention."Keep your voice down, and yes, I do have a sister she's about to turn seven this year" I looked at the sky, which looked extra blue that day, and smiled, "I try to visit her every Saturday or whenever I get the chance."

"Do you mind if I tag along? I absolutely love kids," Takemichi said with stars in his eyes. I let in a small sigh "fine, and there was this new amusement park. I thought I'd take her there today."

"That sounds like a great idea! I bet she's going to have so much fun," Takemichi said with a smile, proud of his minor victory of convincing me to let him tag along.

We walked a bit before reaching a building. In the front of the building, in big letters, was the name White Orchid Home. I made my way towards the door when I realized Takemichi was no longer next to me.

"Takemichi, what's wrong?" I said.

"Isn't this an orphanage?" Takemichi stared at me, confused.

"Yes, now come on, I don't want to be late."

We entered, and I walked over to the front desk. "I'm here to see Nozomi," I said to the person working the front desk. They know me since I've been there countless times before.

He hates me🌻, He hates me not🌻 MikeyXReader (On Hold :(Where stories live. Discover now