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"Yo where you want me to put the TV?" Stokeley asks.

"Just sit it on the floor."

He nods, this is odd not gon lie. Here I am, in my new apartment, but I'm all alone this time. No Stokeley. No family. I'm damn near half an hour from everyone except Bryson cause he lives down the hall. But that's it. I'm all alone for the first time in my life.

"Okay, well, that was the last thing, you want me to help you unpack or..?" He trails off, awkwardly standing as he waits for my response.

"You can go, I can unpack on my own. Thank you though."

He nods again before straightening and ordering certain boxes, clearing paths and ensuring that fragile items were safe. It honestly makes me sad. He's careful, always so fucking careful. Constantly making sure I'm good, making sure that everything is perfect for me. Ensuring that I have a straight and clear path to accomplish whatever I want to. It's a trait I loved. But it makes me sick now. because in the moment I needed him to care the most he didn't. when I actually needed him to secure me he fucking couldn't. he had my heart in his hands and was so fucking careless. Yeah he needs to go.

I clear my throat, gaining a soft 'hmm' in response.

"Stokeley, I said you can go."

"Oh, right, sorry."

and with that he pushes a box of plates further from the edge of the counter and leaves.

Other than the doors soft click I'm met with a still silence. Granted, there's the hum of the AC, the buzz of the lights, the muffled noises of my neighbors but otherwise there's just me.

I can still feel him, lingering outside my door, I can feel the urge of him wanting to come back in and say something. It almost feels like he'll knock. but soon that feelings gone as I hear the soft pat of his feet disappear down the hall. It's almost disappointing.

I want to go to the window, watch him drive off. I want to make sure he leaves safely but I can't bring myself to do it. I know I'll cry, I know watching him leave will only have me begging for him to come back, even if it's just to help me unpack my things. I settle on sending the usual 'let me know you're home safe' text before making sure my door is locked.

glancing around I honestly can't be bothered to pull out any of this shit. so instead I add the pillows to my couch, grab a blanket and my laptop and decide to watch something until I inevitably fall asleep.

—Hours later—

The sound of my phone ringing is what finally wakes me up. Annoyed and confused I wipe the drool from my mouth and recoil at the taste of sleep that lingers.

"Yes, Bryson?" I answer, voice still knee deep in my nap.

"Ouu purrr you sound sexy. Whatchu doing?"

"I was sleeping."

"Oh damn my bad. Anyway, Kenny and Blue are still gone so do you wanna come have dinner with me? I can help you continue getting settled if you not done yet."

I contemplate the offer for like two seconds before agreeing. I'm not passing up free food I'm sorry.

I quickly wipe my face off and rince my mouth out before heading over. I'm not changing no clothes, I'm not brushing a damn thing, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. it's not gon happen

"Brysonnnnnnnnn Open upppp my stomach craves whatever food you got in there."

"I bet tf it do." He laughs as he opens the door.

Seated on the couch with a plate of Chinese is Gus. I'm not gon lie u was not expecting him to be here.

"Gus!!"  I smile holding my arms out for a hug

"Heyy big booty." He smiles wrapping his arms around me, squeezing my waist then my ass.

"Youu make me sick."

I push him off and shake my head as he laughs. I ain't even come for Allis I just agreed to free food.

"So Jare, how was the move."

Do I say it was fucking horrible and made me want to kms or do I say it was cool?

"It was cool."

"Lie again." They say in unison.

"It was fantastic." I lie again.

"Bitch- imma best the shit outchu." Bryson threatens.

"Bro okay. It was terrible. I hated it. Hated it all. negative three gazillion trillion out of ten."

"What happens hot cakes?" Gus asks.

"Disgusting. But no for real I just hated it like I wanted to be calm and relaxed but I was still partially pissed. and he was being all attentive and sweet and shit and idk all of it was pissing me off and I just wanted to put him through a wall then off myself."


"I don't know. I just wanna love him so bad but I can't trust him. Everytime I see him exhibit the qualities I fell in love with I get confused as to why I ever left him. but then I remember and it's like reliving that fucked up ass pain all over again."

They nod, obviously unsure of what to say. I mean that's valid, their relationships are going great.

"I mean...I can fuck you till you forget everything including your name. That might help." Gus finally says.

"Gustav. wtf." Bryson sighs

"You fr Gus??" I ask

"Shiiiiiittttt I am if you are."

"Mm nah I ain't finna do this with you." I laugh, to keep it a buck I'm thinking bout it, hard asab.

But before I know it out meals are over and everyone is on the brink of passing out. I think it's best if I go home now, my dick get hard when I'm sleepy and that's just not safe

"I'm heading home, love y'all." I say as I walk to the door.

"Wait we'll walk you!" Bryson says as he searches for a pair of slides or Crocs.

"It's just down the hall."

"Yeah but still we'll walk you." Gus says, leaning against the wall, practically dead.

"Found em!" Bryson yells before running out the door past us, "Last mf there is a musty top."

Now listen I'm not one to run, however that's gon get me off my ass. It's one thing to be a top, but it's a whole nother to be a musty one.


I was gonna proof read but no, so sorry for any mistakes.
-Troi ❣️🍄

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