26 (continuation of 24)

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- Omniscient -

Jarad had found stokeley, his habit of stress eating being a dead giveaway. He was at Waffle House, having a rainy day breakfast in the parking lot, not even bothering to keep his food inside. The dramatics were really on ten with him today. Jarad parked across from his car and called his cell phone. He laughed, watching Stokeley drop his life to pick it up.

"Hello," his voice was raspy but refreshing to hear.

"I found you" Jarad teased, flashing his headlights and waving.

"That you did" Stokeley chuckled, "What do you want though?"

"Damn, it's like that?"

"No, I'm just asking." Stokeley shook his head, a fond smile still resting across his features.

"Oh, well, I want you to follow me. We're going back to my place cause we clearly need to talk"

"Okay, I'll meet you there"

They hung up, starting their engines and the drive to Jarad's home. They were both nervous, practically shitting bricks but what other way would they be able to fix this.


"Don't look at me like that," Jarad whispers, staring back at the man sitting across from him.

All the distance created between them hasn't been treating either party kindly. Stokeley held out hope for their relationship but acknowledged his fuck up. He understood that the way that he had catered to Jahseh during the threesome had broken Jarad's heart. Jarad couldn't take Stokeley being that loving and attentive to anybody that wasn't him. In the moment, it felt like the end. Although, right now, with the way Stokeley was looking at him, it all seemed so redundant.

"Like what?"

If Stokeley doesn't do anything else in his life, he's gonna love him some Jarad. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically; in any way, shape, and form one can be loved. It's something he never felt before. Jahseh was a constant, a forever; if no one else was there Stokeley could count on him to be there for him and help pick up the pieces. He and Jahseh loved like Bonnie and Clyde, but his love with Jarad transcended that. They loved like Morticia and Gomez. His Jarad, his eternity. There's no life livable without him. There are no pieces to pick up because, with Jarad, he's whole and complete.

"Like that," he sighs, trying to ignore the intensity of the other's gaze.

"What is 'that' Jarad? You a big boy, use your words," he preens as a smile slowly graces his features.

"Like you wanna fuck me." Jarad laughs, playing it off as a joke with Stokeley lightly chuckling with him. In reality, though laughing, they both know there is some truth to this joke.

"Nah, I don't wanna fuck you." Stokeley continues to chuckle as Jarad's laughter dies.

It felt like he just got punched in the gut by rejection, and one thing's for sure, rejection hits hard as a bitch. He can feel his skin heating, tears threatening to prick at his eyes.

"I wanna make love to you." Stokeley's smiling and laughing ceased and the intense gaze he had before had returned.

Jarad sat quietly. He didn't know what to do with his hands. He hadn't mentally prepared for this, he hadn't prepared to reconcile. It had been a while since they'd talked, and even longer since they'd had any intimacy. He had a lot of time to reminisce on the fact that nobody could do him like Stokeley. Nobody had taken the time to know and appreciate his body like bitch ass Stokeley. Yet still, he couldn't shake the ache that came every time he remembered that threesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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