25 (insight to the end of chap 20)

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— Omniscient —

Since his arrival Abel had put a lot of time into trying to figure out the best way to add a toxic spice to this little group chat. Brent was trying his hardest but unfortunately wasn't dark-minded or ballsy enough to pull off the right act. Stealing someone's man and breaking up a happy home just wouldn't be enough for Abel. He needed more, much more.

His greed fueled this malevolent plan to the fullest. His idea starts with him throwing a party and inviting a weird enough mix that everyone would be cool, but not completely comfortable. Once he could make sure that everyone was feeling awkward he'd offer up some feel-good drugs. Of course had to invite a few people who didn't feel odd around him. So August and Rod made it into the mix, they were the ones who were just a little too comfortable with The Weeknd, a little too cozy with Weekdy. No one knows Abel for real, they'd never want to. He wanted to know them though, and this candy-coated pill was just enough to get the ball rolling. He gave each of them a little crushed-up Ambien made to look like something more. His plan: Get them here, put them to sleep, and target everyone's bestie. Sweet little Stokeley was in for a wild ride.

"Hey come outside right quick, I need some help with this grill," Abel commanded, his voice trembling with excitement at the end.

Stokeley wasted no time to go help a perceived friend. Sure they weren't the closest, and right now didn't seem like the time for grilling food but he didn't mind.

"Hey Abe Imma be honest, don't you think it's a little late to be grilling?" Stokeley asked as soon as his feet touched solid ground. He felt exhausted but was seemingly too kind to care. He lazily rubbed the dryness from his eyes, the fluorescent porch lights burning off any moisture that they had left. He looked around -to his left, then to his right- but there was no sign of Abel. "Abe?" He called but was only met with the sound of a small flick and the feeling of a cold spike against his back.

"Oh, I'm right here. Look, there won't be any grilling tonight; how bout we make a deal instead hmm?" Abel cooed into his ear, his tone soft enough to make you think he was trying to seduce the younger man.

"Nah I'm good man, if we not grilling then imma go back inside," Stokeley took a step forward only for Abel to firmly grasp his shoulder and press the knife further into the small of his back.

"Oh, I wasn't giving you a choice. Listen, I'm going to take Jarad or Jahseh, I'll let you choose who. But one of them will be mine. You have two weeks before I just pick one."


"You're a bright kid don't act dense now. I'm going to take one of them from you and make him my bitch. From there on he will be my plaything and I'll make everyone, occasionally including you, watch him endure whatever I choose to do. OH and of course I'll let the victim know that you chose him, and then everyone will know who your favorite really is."

"Man cut the shit I'm not doing that," Stokeley shook his head nauseous at the idea.

"Lol, you don't have a choice. Pick one or I'll kill them both. As a matter of fact, if you don't agree to pick one I'll make everyone inside OD on top of killing your little boyfriends."

"Bro fuck off, no you won't."

"We both know I will, so please make your pick soon. We don't want to wipe out the whole chat like that do we???"

"Nah...We don't."

Abel hummed in triumph, pushing Stokeley forward and putting away his knife. In his mind, he had won. Abel's plan was being set in motion. He didn't even want to actually torture anyone, he just needed Stokeley to make the sacrifice. Okay maybe he wanted to add a little torture, maybe he'd record the reaction when they realize the betrayal. Maybe he'll fake like he's going to do something just to watch them panic, cry, and scream. Ah what if they scream for their hero Stokeley to come rescue them? Abel could break their hearts twice then, making them remember that he's the one who chose them for this. He chose to give them up and send them off. The possibilities were endless, Abel was practically drooling at the thought of wrecking this group.

Unfortunately for him, he threatened the wrong person. He got way too confident in his own abilities and forgot just how cunning and conniving Stokeley could be. He always saw the younger man retaliating irrationally, he never thought he could be calculated. Stokeley had been keeping up this helpless confused act since first walking outside, and especially after noticing Ool watching from the window. Stokeley had never trusted Abel and was never willing to follow a single plan he had. He's just a great actor like that.


Florescent lights, generic wall art, and the smell of extremely sterile surfaces were all that Stokeley could focus on as he sat on the edge of the small, paper-lined bed. He had set an appointment to make sure his health was in order. He's an organ donor after all, how the fuck can he donate organs that don't work. He hoped for a smooth appointment but considering how long it was taking his nurse to come back? Things didn't look so good.

He was in the midst of counting the floor tiles when someone finally walked in.

"Okay so I have some news, how do you want it delivered?"

He stared at the doctor, the same one he'd been seeing since his early teens.

"Give it to me straight Everett. Same as always."

"Alright well, you have a heart condition called..."


I've been sitting in the parking lot of my doctor's office for at least an hour now. Just what the fuck am I supposed to do with that information? Me? A heart condition?

"Imma have to have a few stern talks with God 'cause I'm sposed to be fucking invincible."

I gotta watch my salt and red meat consumption. Gotta eat more fruits and shit. Gotta control my emotions and stick to mild exercise. What the fuck am I 93 years old? Now they telling me I need vitamins and supplements and shit. Hell, I'm probably going to need surgery. I already stopped smoking cigs, that shoulda' been enough. This is all too much at once.

I went in to see if I could live on in others after I sacrificed myself and came out with a mild death sentence. I fucking hate it here.

"Fuck it I'm going to a Chinese buffet. Go out wit a bang bitch."

Zamn I wonder what's gon happen...anywayzz sorry for any errors, I haven't written in years but I hope you enjoy the plot progression. if your confused revisit chapter 20. I love youuu, Toodlessss.


P.s. this chapter is just insight to some of the deeper plot lines but is not a chronologically correct event. 💕

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