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taehyun ran to mrs. lee's house, hoping there will be a way to stop the fate. he sweats, his throat felt dry. but, nothing stopped him for running. he wanted to stop it.

"mrs. lee, you need to help me, please" taehyun begged.
"what can i do, son ?" she asked.
"please stop the fate" he cried, as he burried his face onto her shoulders.
mrs. lee patted the boy's back.
"son, there is nothing i can do. i am no god. am only a fortune teller" she reminded. "miss, there must be a way" he said. she sighed, having enough of the boy's hopes.

mrs. lee's son gave him a thick old brown book. "this was my grandmother's journal. she might have written something about soulmates" she said, as she read the first page.
"what if you just removed your heart, mister ?" her son laughed. "et... heeseung" she stepped on his shoe. "ow !"
"ah ! here ! found it" mrs. lee exclaimed, proceeding to read more.

"what did it say ?" taehyun asked eagerly.
"there's no way to stop it" she said. taehyun whimpered. "but" she spoke again, with a happy tone ; which made him hopeful.
"you can stay away from her, for a while. that might stop you from loving her" she said, pointing at the letters written in the book, carefully.

taehyun frowned. "that's the only way ?"
"ah..ah..ah..did you and your soulmate pulled any doves and red strings card ?..together ?" she asked instead. "ahm, i can't quite remember" he sighed. "honestly, i can't remember half of the things about her" he added.

"ah, i get it. she died, right. forgot !" she shook her head. "anyways so, you two did pulled the cards together, that's why you are soulmates. and, you can't remember half of the things you did with her, ah, that's because your memory was attached to hers, and it died" she clarified.

he didn't go to the hospital to see y/n after leaving mrs. lee's house. for he knew he'd have to leave her no matter what.

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