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Rura Cole

The Concord was officially burned to a crisp.

"We should consider Rura Cole as under attack," said Lord Diamond, his wife nodding beside him. Lord Diamond's wife was always nodding, and they never disagreed.

Lord Diamond was atrociously ugly, with a hooked nose and angled eyebrows, he was the epitome of hideousness. His lips were cracked and thin, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke. He looked very owlish, with his wide yellow eyes. His wives, however, all 12 of them, were unmistakably beautiful, but he was very strict with them, and at the slightest sign of disobedience, divorce was surely on the way.

All 12 women could not be Lady Diamond, however, so, for the time being, Lady Diamond was his first wife, Anastasia. She was a very nervous woman, with midnight black hair and shining rose gold skin. Her eyelashes were long, feathery, and black as ink, and shadowed her hollowed, moth-like eyes. A slight blush tinged her cheeks and her lips were red as blood.

"Then her highness, Malka, must be moved," said Lord Cuanta, brother to Lord Diamond, and equally ugly. "If our country is threatened, so is she."

Just then, as if on cue, Queen Malka entered, a fresh rash of (fake) tears marking her cheeks. She sat in her place at the head of the table, regal and fiery in all her glory.

The Court stood, bowing curtly before collectively sitting in their seats.

"Have you found the man who committed this heinous crime?" The queen asked, dabbing her silver cheeks with her handkerchief.

"Not yet, your highness," Lady Diamond squeaked meekly.

"Oh, dear." Malka fanned her face. A lizard servant presented her with a glass of water and she took it reluctantly.

Another lizard, called Alistair, sat across from her at the head of the table. Alistair was the queen's advisor, and he did most of the ruling in Rura Cole. He was dressed sharply, his thin hair pressed down against the scales on the back of his neck. His eyes, yellow and old, fell two different ways before they quickly snapped back together.

Malka nodded at him. Alistair licked his eyeball.

"Queen Malka," Lord Dante said, his golden eyes shining. "We are having you transported to Isle Rhondum until we have apprehended the criminal who did this."

"Of course," Queen Malka said, bowing her head. "Oh, how terrible."

"Before you go," Lord Diamond blurted, "do you have anything else to say?"

Malka looked out the window from her seat, tears openly streaming down her face.

"I blame this treasonous act on our neighboring country."

"Boca Naye?"

"Of course," Malka said sharply. "Who else?"

"But we've not had any issues with Boca Naye, your Majesty, I--"

"And this is the perfect time for them to strike!" She shouted. "War is the only option."

Even Lady Diamond, the silentest of them all, pressed her lips into a thin, unimpressed line, bowing her head so the queen wouldn't see the displeasure radiating off of her.

"Queen Malka, think about the people--"

"SILENCE!" Malka swept her hand over the air before her, eyeing the court with a devilish glare. "I am just as upset about this as you are."

The tears came back as her lords and ladies watched her.

"But with the Concord burned down, and the culprit still on the run, Rura Cole is not safe. I am not safe."

The members of the court shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"If we do not call for war against Boca Naye, you can all kiss your homes and riches and freedom goodbye, because they will surely conquer us unawares."

A collective gasp rose from the people in front of her. Their riches, gone? They could hardly think of it without shuddering in horror.

"Of course, my queen," said Lady Dante, finally making herself known. "We will announce war right away."

Malka finally bowed to her court before letting her guards escort her to her means of transportation.

And, sitting on Isle Rhondum, sipping dundeberry and waiting in excitement for the war, all she could think was,

"Oh, how great of an actress I am." 

Sorry for taking so long on this most recent update. Thank you for reading and please vote. :)

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