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Queen Valerie of the Artisan District

"My queen." Queen Valerie's advisor slunk into the room, his pale face colored in shame. "I regret to inform you we lost a few lives due to the earthquake in your district."

Valerie stood in surprise, her gown shifting and leaping at her feet from the abrupt movement. Her heart-shaped lips were drawn into an 'o' shape, a red ring around her dazzling white teeth. Her cheeks were painted pink, and her eyeshadow wrapped around her eyebrows and flowed down her cheeks like tears of pink, green, and blue. Little holographic stars were glued to the corners of her eyes. She appeared a woman who could care less about the lives of others, but the reality could prove quite contradictory. For example, at her advisor's statement, she could feel her bottom lip quivering. An emotional woman, Queen Valerie was, and each life lost felt like a piece of her heart lost.

The advisor was an ugly shadow in the doorway. His skin was pale and white, and his hair was a chocolate brown and cut at the neck. He wore large spectacles with lenses as thick as two fingers which made his eyes appear unnaturally huge. He stood, hunched over like vermin, resting on his cane.

The queen took no notice of her advisor's appearance, only of his assistance to her throughout her years as queen. She had not yet provided a female suitor, and she quivered in fear for her country when she thought about what would happen if she failed to do so. What if, one day, the world shook again, and the castle collapsed on her? Who would take her place? Queen Dana, of the Mechanical District, she supposed, but she wouldn't be able to for long. Sometimes Valerie was greatly weary from ruling just one district, and sharing the other with Dana, of course, and she could hardly imagine how Dana would feel ruling all three.

"This has become a national matter," said Queen Valerie in utmost professionality, although on the inside she was crying. "Announce to the Council to meet me in the Councilroom in an hour."

The advisor, called Hemsworth, bowed. "Of course, my queen."

Valerie dabbed her cheeks with her lace handkerchief gently. Her people could not see that anything was wrong, and that included her Council. She picked up her holographic skirts in fistfuls and flounced to the fittingly named Councilroom. Her heels clicking against the hall tiles seemed louder than ever, and she could not bear the echoing sound.

Finally, she made it to the Councilroom. It was not small, nor condensed. In fact, it was quite the contrary with its' arched ceiling and hanging chandeliers. The chairs were wrapped in velvet and neither comfortable nor uncomfortable to sit on. The table was long and seated 12 people. 10 court members and two queens.

Normally, Valerie would have had a servant or two dress the table, however, she was in a terrible mood, and preferred to be left alone in the silence of work until the Councilpeople arrived.

The queen hummed a song to herself as she spread a lace tablecloth over the wooden table, and, before she knew it, the table was dressed, and an hour had passed.

As she sat silently at her place at the head of the table, a knock resounded against the door. Upon her consent, Hemsworth peeked his ugly little head in.

The court was here. 

What did you guys think of that chapter? I based Hemsworth off of Johnny Depp in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because my friend thinks he's creepy lol. 

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