4-Im going to do it, im going to audition

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Jessica POV


I shot out of bed and felt like I was having a heart attack. I really needed to turn down the volume on my alarm. It scares me every time. I crawled out of bed and head to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and set it on the bathroom counter. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. I despised to also grab my radio and blast the music in the bathroom. I hopped into the shower. The hot steaming water felt great on my pours. God that makes me sound like a snotty princess.

I was only in the shower for like 10 minutes, then the water started to get cold so I got out. I wrapped my towel around my body and then walked out of the bathroom. You could see the steam from my shower floating out the door way once I opened it. It was chilly in my room when I steeped out. I could feel the goose bump forming on my skin. A shiver ran down my spine. I grabbed some clothes then headed back the bathroom. I dried off my body before putting on me clothes. I put on some black leggings and a simple blue V-neck t-shirt. I dried my hair with my blow drier. I didn't have the energy to flat iron my hair so I just put it up in a messy bun. I washed my face and put on some very light makeup. A little foundation and powder with some mascara. I took one last look in the mirror before leaving the bathroom.

I looked over at the clock to read 10:30. Lilly must have stayed out all night cause she wasn't in her bed. I signed in hope that she wasn't passed out in a hallway or bathroom. I really didn't feel like going looking for her. She would show up at sometime. I walked out the door off to my art class.

"Hey Jessica I Hurd you slept with Taylor last night. Is that true." Selena was the gossip queen she has been since high school. I would know cause I went to school with her since grade 2. I was in shock at her statement.

"No all we did was kiss. And it was alone because we where running lines for a play." She seemed a bit disappointed. Did she really think that someone like me would have slept with taylor. He's a grade A jackass. It would never happen.

"Oh, well Melissa saw you guys kissing last night she thought that, knowing taylor, he would have slept with you. But I guess your just not good enough for him." She walked off down the hallway.

"Bitch." I mumble to myself and started walking to class again. I opened the door to the art room and grabbed a seat, palette, colours and brushes, stand and a canvas. I sat down by the window so I could have that natural light when I start painting. I resided to paint a bird. I if do say my self I think it's pretty good. The bell went for brake.

"Excuse me for this interruption, in the dance room there will be additions to be in a music video for actresses. Thank you." The lady of the speeder said. I should go. Louis did say I would be good for the part. And maybe it will be my big break. I'm going to do it. I'm going to addition.

I walked off to the dance room to find a huge line up of about 30 girls. This might take bit. ~20 minutes later~ at least now I was in the dance room. I could see Louis and two other guys sitting at a table. One with big curly hair and one the and really short black hair. There was lint about 5 more girls in front of me.

"Sorry doll face but I didn't think your the one. Thank you." The black haired man said. She walked off and then the next girl stood in front of them. What would I say. What do I do. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't relies that I was next.

"Ok next." The man said. I walked up and stood on the X taped on the ground.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, what's your name sweetie." The man sad. Louis was looking down at the piece of paper and the curly haired guy was writing something down.

"Jessica." Louis head shot up to look at me. He smiled then looked over at the curly hairs guy and hit I'm in the shoulder.

"Hello, how are you." The curly haired boy said in a flirty voice. Louis hit him again.

"Harry, grow up. I knew I should have brought Liam."

"Thanks bro. Love you too." The curly one said who's name must be Harry.

"Boys." The man said.

"Sorry Simon." Louis looked back over at me and smiled. I couldn't help but blush a little.

"So Jessica you don't sound British at all. Where you from?" Simon asked. I guess it must have been weird for them because I didn't have a British accent.

"Vancouver." Simon nodded his head and leaded back in his chair.

"How old are you Jess. Is it ok if I call you Jess." Harry said fiddling with his pen.

"19. And ya it's ok to call me Jess." U smiled to make sure that I didn't look all depressed like to them. Harry smiled back and then wrote something down on the paper. Louis rolled his eyes as to what Harry was writing but I couldn't see what it was.

"You know your a very hot girl. You go a boyfriend." Harry said looking back up at me. It was kind of awkward that he asked me that.

"No I don't have a boyfriend. Oh and Harry I'm not hot, I'm beautiful. I'm not a temperature." Harry sat back in his seat Louis just chuckled.

"I like you. I think you would be perfect for the music video." Simon said. My smiled got bigger as I looked at Louis to see what he would say. "So is it settled. Jessica is the one louis."

"Ya, I think so." I ran up to shake their hands and say thank you for picking me.

"Thank you so much. You won't regret it." The last hand I shock was Harry's . As I shock his hand I felt him giving me something. He winked at me before I left. I walked out the door and opened the piece of paper he gave me. I saw someones number on it. He gave me his number. No wounded Louis rolled his eyes. I chucked to myself and walked back off to my dorm. The hallways were quiet. It wasn't that long of a walk to my dorm and when I got there the door was wide open. That's weird I thought I closed it. I slowly walked in as if there might be a killer in my room or something. I felt as if I was in a horror movie walking around a scary house. I tripped on something and fell to the floor. Making a little screeching sound as I fell. Once I hit the floor I was then hit by a pillow witch made me screech again.

"Stop that.." Someone said from a bed.

"Lilly?" I stood up to see Lilly covered up in blankets in her bed. She look terrible. "Lilly are you hungover?"

"Don't judge ok." I just rolled my eyes. I was in despite need of a coffee. I grabbed my blue sweater and my brown over the shoulder purse. I took my phone off the charger and pulled up twitter. 467 followers. Not bad considering that Keith had 934. I walked out the door to leave Lilly in her cocoon of blankets. I pulled out the piece of paper Harry gave me and put in his number. I shut off my phone and headed to the coffee shop

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