Chapter 10

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Darth Rogue entered Darth Sidious's office and kneeled before him. "You summoned me, Master?" Joake's words to Darth Sidious echoed through her mind. She is anything but your apprentice! She's just your servant who does your bidding! Real apprenticeship does not happen this way! Darth Rogue quickly strengthened her mental shields. Her panic slowly rose not knowing if he had heard her thoughts.

"Yes, I have something I need to do and you will accompany me." Darth Rogue slowly let out a small sigh of relief; he hadn't heard her.

"What do you need of me, my Master?"

"Tomorrow, I am going to pay a little visit to your brother and you will stand and watch me kill him."

Darth Rogue's head snapped up. In that instant, she was thankful for the mask that hid her shock. Her shields were still up so she let her thoughts and feelings run rampant. Darth Rogue looked up at him. That was your biggest mistake.


    Darth Rogue sped to her chambers. She used the Force to sling open the door and, just as she had hoped, Crese was inside. "Crese!" she shouted. "Sidious is going to kill my brother!"

    "What?" Crese asked.

    "I'm not going to let that happen. I need you to lock down the southern corridor and make sure that no one is down there. I am getting him out."

    "What about you?"

    "That's why I need the hall empty, I can't let anyone see me."

    "Okay, I'll get right on it," Crese said.

    "Thank you," Darth Rogue said as she left.


    Darth Rogue opened the door to Joake's cell. Her brother was in the same spot that she had left him in. "We need to hurry," she said as she used the Force to unlock the binders around her brother's wrists and ankles.

    "What's going on?" he asked as Darth Rogue handed his lightsaber and comlink to him.

    "Sidious is going to kill you. I'm getting you out of here so you can escape."

    "What about you?"

    "I'm staying here."

    "I'm not leaving you," Joake said.

    "You have to," Darth Rogue said. She grabbed Joake's arm and drug him towards the open door. After making sure the coast was clear, brother and sister sprinted down the hall. They rounded corner after corner until they came to the exit of the Senate building. Darth Rogue guided Joake around the corner and down the busy Coruscant streets. They heard shouting behind them and they stopped and turned to see four Red Guards on their tails. Darth Rogue and Joake immediately began running again, dodging people and ducking behind alleyways.

    Soon, the busy inner-city slowly dissipated as they reached the underworld of Coruscant. "We need to hide," Darth Rogue said, but as soon as she spoke, the Red Guards caught up to them. She reached her hand out and Force Pushed Joake a dozen feet away. The Red Guards caught up to Darth Rogue and ignited their Electro-Staffs and electrocuted Darth Rogue in her back. The electricity coursed through her body as she screamed and collapsed on the ground.

    Joake started to run towards his sister, but he heard a voice very similar to his sister's, but it was different, softer. It was Keela's. Run, Brother! Joake instantly turned and ran towards the old Jedi Temple. Joake ignited his lightsaber and used the blue blade to cut down some lampposts and lights to slow down the Red Guards. Joake ran inside the ruined temple and called Luke on his comlink.

    "Joake?" Came his master's worried voice.

    "Master," he said. "Hurry, come get me. I'm at the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant."

    There was silence for a moment before Luke spoke again. "Yes, we're on our way, are you alright?"

    Joake paused for a moment. "I am, but my sister is not."

    "Your sister?"

    "Yes, Keela's alive, at least I hope so."

    "What do you mean by that?"

    Joake then began to explain what had happened. "On Hoth, I ran into the Masked Nightmare, who is Darth Rogue, who is Keela."

    Another pause. In the background, Joake could hear his father's joyful shouting. "But something went wrong," he continued. "She helped me escape but she got captured by Palpatine's Red Guards and we need to save her!"

    "Yes, of course," Luke said. "We will be there within the hour."


    When the Millenium Falcon landed, Joake immediately hugged his father and master, but quickly pulled away. "We need to hurry!"

    "How will we get inside?" Lando asked. "That building is the most secure building in the galaxy."

    Joake thought for a moment but remembered someone that his sister had briefly mentioned in their short conversation. "Crese!" he shouted.

    "Who's that?" Han asked who had just exited the Falcon.

    "Her friend. She's a Lieutenant. She can get us in!"

    "How will you be able to talk to her?" Luke asked.

Joake smiled. "Just leave that to me."

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