the truth will set you free

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Its been a bit over a month since I found out I was pregnant and the last time I talked to Harry when ever the boys had business the others just passed it on to him. I was currently sitting in the bakery talking to Eli who always stops by on his lunch to see me.

"so how are you and the baby?" He asks like he has everyday since I told him

"were good my morning sickness has died down a bit and I have my first ultrasound tomorrow" I tell him as I bite a freshly.baked cupcake

"can I join you?"

"sure" I smile grateful that I won't be alone

Todays my ultrasound I am currently waiting with Eli to go in when the nurse comes out


"here" I stand and walk back holding Eli's hand tightly as I shake a bit with fear.this moment was going to make this whole pregnancy very real


"hello miss marks,its lovely to see you again and I pressume this is the father" she motions to Eli

"no!" we both shout

"oh I'm sorry I assumed"my doctor apologizes

"its alright"

" so judging by the size of the.child and your stomach your around 3 month just turned congratulations too you both "she smiles at Eli

"oh no he's not the father he's my friend"

she just laughs and prints my ultrasound I get five copies one for each of the boys and my own copy

When I get home I call a meeting and make Louis drag Harry here I stand and my noticeable baby bump is in view now I hold my back grab some water and sit behind my desk when the boys enter harry doesn't look at me I look down and hand each boy a folder they open it to a picture of my ultra sound and the new tour dates they all look up and I watch harry he slowly looks up and I stand again allowing him to see the child who is evidently growing inside me he stares wide eyed

"your pregnant" I nod

"im sorry I didn't tell you sooner but you should know I don't know which of you are the father" he looks at Louis and niall "not counting them harry" he sighs in relief

"so it could be mine..."


"how did it ya know..."

"well we kissed had sex and bam baby " I motioned to my stomach

"I know that I meant your not supposed to..."

"I asked the doctor and Eli said it was teenage mutant ninja turtle sperm which made me laugh" harry tenses at elis name "he went with you"

"I couldnt ask one of you too"

"why not?"

"for starters we werent talking remember, second you guys are to into the public eye going with me would name which ever of you to be the father"

"so if anyone saw you elis the father" Harry's fist clenched

"for now yes we haven't confirmed or denied it so calm down" he relaxs a bit

after a short silence I dismiss the boys harry stays behind while the boys eat my fridge

"can...can I touch the baby..." he stammers awkwardly I just nod and lift my shirt a bit he places both his hands on my stomach and starts talking to it

"hi baby its your possible daddy (I smack his head) I love you, I love your mommy too I can't wait to see you in a few months" he presses his lips to my stomach and I feel my heart flutter

he stands at normal height

"I mean that tori even if its not mine ill love it , ill love you" he grabs my hand and interwines our fingers ,I nod and kiss his cheek leaving him in the office

*later that night*

"zayn stop eating my popcorn!"Louis yells

"its for everyone not just you!"zayn yells back

"quit yelling in my home!"I scream

"tori your pregnant stop stressing over the boys"liam reasons

"fine" I give up

we are currently watching the up all night horror movie marathon eating popcorn and chips

"liam can I go to bed" I mumble laying on his shoulder

"of course" he stands and I stretch my arms up symboling I want to be carried he laughs and picks me up carrying me too bed with Harry's eyes burning holes in my skull

"li close the door I want to talk"he does as he's told and sits on the bed while I change

"what are we going to do if the baby's yours?"

"get married" he answers like its an everyday solution

"we can't just get married liam"

"why not it seems reasonable" I stay silent


I walk to check in tori and liam and I hear talking

"what are we going to do if the baby's yours?"

"get married" he answers like its an everyday solution

"we can't just get married liam"

"why not it seems reasonable" she's silent so I knock she opens the door a look of relief on her face

"hey tori I was wondering if we could go out tomorrow to get baby stuff ?"

"i'd like that" she smiles and motions for liam and I to leave her which we do after the movie marathon I stay behind and go to toris room laying down next to her she pulls me close and I feel complete with her by my side

thing might just work

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