give me a chance

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me and zayn sat in the kitchen debating on if we should tell harry and liam about the or when they actually saw them we decided to act like it didn't happen till they saw them and we would explain at the time.

"GOOD MORNING TO YOU!" Louis belted coming out of the hallway

"morning to you to do you always have to be so loud?" I questioned

"you really don't know me do you?" Louis gave me a fake hurt expression

"oh that's right you to know harry" he wiggles his eyebrows

"no I wish to befriend all of you not just be your boss" I smirk

"well than!"Lou exits the room rather dramaticlly liam wakes and enter the kitchen kissing me on the way in when I look to the ground.he asks

"is something wrong love?"

"no.." I hurried out of my kitchen and ran down the hall locking myself in my room sliding down the door and choking out a sob I would have to hurt one of these boys but I didn't even know where to start with the two as to how to make a decision a soft knock at my door made my t houghts run around my head and broke my concentration

"open the door" Harry's voice was muffled by the door

"not now Harold!"

"Harold? tor what's wrong?"

"nothing just leave me alone please" I got up and wandered into my bathroom ignoring his muffled pleads soon I heard my door open and there way zayn standing with my keys in his hand hanging off his index finger he closes my door and locks it again giving us some privacy

"Harry's sitting in the office and is being fairly quiet so something happened and you being locked up in here makes me think you had something to do with it care to talk?"

"sure" but in truth I made no effort to talk or move zayn came over and hugged me sideways until I was ready to talk

"I don't know how I'm going to choose"

"choose what?"

"between the boys..."

"follow your heart listen to your heart through your head" he tapped my nose

"thank you zayn" my sobs slowed be brought my face to his resting our foreheads together looking in my eyes

"everything gets better"he raised his lips to my forehead before getting up and walking out I finally made my way out to the living area and liam shot up seeing my red puffy eyes

"love are you ok what happened?"

"we have to talk..."

"ok lead the way" I took him to the office where I knew harry was he barely looked up before I closed the door leaving the three of us in my office

"I like you both more than a professional manner but its just that unprofessional so I need time to think and decide if wither of you are worth the risk of my job I need you two too understand"

"ok" is all liam said looking down

"take your time"harry said

"thank you" I hugged each of them before we.exited my office both going to put their hands on the small of my back and pulling away when they ended up holding eachothers hands

this was going to be akward for a while ...


*1week later*

"harry stop" I said with a straight face

"why should I?"he had that smile that millions of girls world wide swooned for

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