Chapter 4

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Athena's pov

A couple days after all that drama, I started to open up a little, but not enough so that they can't find out my real identity.

Today is my first day in hell-I mean school. As you can tell I'm not happy about it, I basically threw a tantrum, but they still made me go.

Since I'm a badass bitch, I'm going to wear an outfit to make an impression that says 'don't mess with me'. I already knew the boys were the most popular guys in school, not a shock there considering who they are, but they are going to be all up my ass.

Athena's outfit:

I finished getting ready, and walked downstair for breakfast

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I finished getting ready, and walked downstair for breakfast.

"good morning" I said, with just a little emotion, like 15%.

"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" asked Victoria. I have been getting closer to her, she is basically the mom I always wanted. She is the only person who has probably seen my emotions more.

"Fine" and just as I said that the boys walked in, but the only one that is going to go to school with me is Diego, he's a sophomore, and I'm a junior. Almost finished in that hell-hole we call school.

"Who is going to drive me?" I know, shouldn't I have my own cars considering I get paid really well? glad you asked, I did have one, but since I had to come live to Italy as an orphan and didn't want my cover getting blown, I sold it online for a good money.

"me, since the high school is on my way to work" said Lorenzo, and I just nodded.

I'm going to be honest, I'm a little nervous, because I haven't spoken Italian in a while, in the agency we learn a lot of languages so that on missions we are all caught up in what our target might be saying, most of the time I'm going to be talking English, but you never know.

"let's go, or you guys are going to be late" me and Diego went to the car, it was a Lamborghini, I love them, but I still preferred my jeep.

The ride was mostly silence and the boys telling me that there would be no boys, I wasn't planning on going to them anyways.

As we pulled into the parking lot, everyone was looking at the car, I rolled my eyes and got out. Diego came to my side and we walked to the front doors, and even more eyes were on us as we opened the doors, I rolled my eyes and went to the front desk, and got my timetable, first lesson was math. Can this day get any worse? Diego led me to math and went to his lesson.

I walked in and ALL eyes were on me.

"Why are you late?" the teacher asked with an angry look.

"I'm new" I say in a monotone

"Fine, what's your name?" the teacher said still mad.

"I'm Athena Moretti" I say with a smirk.

They're faces were priceless, all gave me terrified looks, the girls who were giving me glares sat there with fear in my eyes, and the guys all immediately looked down.

I think this isn't going to be bad, I might justtake advantage of being a Moretti

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