My name is Athena, but some know me as The Huntress, I'm a well-known assassin, I can make a grown man cower in fear, and can lure them in just one look, hence the name.
I've been in foster care since I was a baby, every time I'm adopted, I'm throw...
After a boring day of school, I mean there were parts I enjoyed, and it was when I saw the shock and fear in people's eyes when they heard my name.
When I got home, Victoria was in the living room watching tv.
"How was school honey?" she asked with those loving eyes.
Why don't I mess with them a little? They still haven't told me they are in the Mafia, so I'm going to take advantage of that.
"Fine I guess, but why did people look like they were afraid of me, when they heard my name?" Let me tell you, her face paled just at the question, I wanted to laugh but I couldn't, I stayed in character.
"Maybe because Valente has a really successful company" she says a little calmer now.
"Oh, ok, I'm going to my room" I was almost at the stairs when she said "One of the boy's oldest friends is coming to dinner tonight, so make sure you wear something nice" she said. I nodded.
Must be one of the mafia's sons, I shrugged my shoulders.
Since it was 5pm I still had a while for dinner, and enough time to prepare, I went to take a shower and when I came back, I went to my closet who was filled with clothes the boy's and I bought when we went to the mall.
Athena's outfit:
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I put on some perfume and head some talking downstairs. Perfect timing, lets get this show on the road.
I walked down the stairs and went to the dining room the guest had his back to me so I couldn't see his face.
"You look beautiful honey" said Victoria, with a sparkle in her eyes. When she said that everyone turned to me, the boys were socked to say the least, Valente was in a battle to himself if he should make me change, and when I looked at the stranger's eyes, I was shocked and the whole world stopped.
I couldn't move, I didn't know that the boy's best friend was the person I didn't want to see, or at least I hoped I didn't have to see him.
"Athena" We said at the same time, almost like a whisper, but everyone heard.
A single tear rolled down my face.
"How do you guys know each other?" asked Lorenzo with a look of confusion on his face.
Shit, I'm about to get caught, looks like they are finally going to find out the truth I fought so hard to keep hidden.