The plan

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⚠️CW⚠️: slight homophobia
A/n: I'm aware Jake would never do any of this but somoee had to be the homophobe and I made it jake
It was just after breakfast and you were doing the dishes and Alma walks up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist and rests her chin on your shoulder,
"Hiya lovely are alright?" Alma nods her head nuzzling slightly into your neck smelling your perfume. You two stay like this for a while, what you two didn't realise was that Jake had been watching from the Parlor he stares at the sight before him and is shocked but pretends that nothing is wrong. You and Alma go about your day not acting like a couple in front of the children as you both want to wait a few weeks before saying anything but you two can't help but smile and lock eyes for a little longer than usual. Emma and Olive are walking along the garden path talking,
"Emma, have you noticed that Jake keeps staring at Miss peregrine and Miss y/l/n?" The ginger asks Emma sighs and nods,
"Yeah, it's odd I don't get why, to be honest." The blonde responds nodding slightly, she thinks for a moment before speaking "Maybe because he doesn't know Miss y/l/n very well he's trying to work out things about her and Miss Peregrine keeps being near her." She suggests Olive understanding her Point of view took it as an answer and they carry on walking towards the house and just before they round the corner they overhear you and Alma speaking,
"Y/n my darling I doubt anyone saw anything its okay nothing will happen." Emma grabs onto Olive's forearm looking at nothing concentrating on the conversation,
"I know I'm being paranoid but I don't want anything to happen to you because conversion therapy is a new level of messed up!" You say quietly Olive stares at Emma for a good two seconds before quietly but quickly dragging her away from the spot they were rooted to. They had rounded a corner near a bush "What in the name of everything holy did we just overhear!?" Said Emma pacing slightly Olive who was leaning near a tree in shock just whispered that she didn't know she felt a flurry of emotions some negative some positive she used her long hair to cover her face as she stared at the ground,
"We need to tell the others!" Emma said quickly Olive feeling a slight panic wash over her shortly said,
"No, we don't!" Emma peered at her suspiciously but sighed and complied with Olive's request and walked off.

Olive who was sitting alone now sighed thinking to herself that maybe she isn't sick in the head or a sinner she felt a new level of relief when she overheard that conversation that not only was Miss Peregrine and Miss y/l/n together but both were gay. She smiled as she took a few deep breaths and brushed her knees as she stood up to prepare a cup of tea. As Olive approached the house once again she saw Jake and Miss Peregrine talking She only heard a part of the conversation,
"Sorry for the short notice Miss Peregrine but I need to leave the loop for a little while." Jake seemed to be replying to Miss Peregrine who noded so Jake went towards the loop entrance and little did they know he had a plan in the works and if he was right this would work perfectly he approached the old town library and took out a book about LGBT rights in Wales and was flipping through the pages until he saw a passage that said: "Lesbianism has always been legal between two women but was socially unacceptable" That put a slight stop in Jake's plan but as he did more research he had adapted his plan to something rather simple:
•Tell the village folk about Miss y/l/n and Miss Peregrine
•Some how to ake going into town harder for them individually
•Go after them individually
•make homelife terrible

Currently, that'll he had but he would think more part along the way but now he needed a small notepad so he went to a stationary shop and brought a pen and notepad and began to write down all the different ways he could tell them without really telling them he thought up all the different ways until he circled in on one option he would simply take a photo and mass print it and would sneak out at night really in the morning to put them everywhere and so he did he found a smallish camera and returned he moved as fast as he could to conceal the camera but he felt proud as in his eyes he was doing something good but now it was a waiting game and it took about 3 weeks before he saw it Miss Peregrine and You in the garden kissing you both thoughts know one could see you too Jake quickly taking advantage snapped a photo now he put the camera away in his room. He felt beyond proud as he not only had a photo but knew where to print said Photo so later that night he snuck out and pprinted50 plus version of that photo placing it in different areas ready for the morning excited as he knew you had some arrens to run in town he laid down to sleep feeling as though he had saved the world but little did he know he would instead destroy the worlds of multiple people...

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