Somebody's Inside the Wardrobe

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I was sitting on my bed after that exhausting walk with dad and pops. We were moving around whole afternoon in the wide landscape of the farm. They were feeding the chickens, geese, and hogs while they assigned me to do the milking of cows. For that waste of time I took there sitting and filling those empty metal cans, they should pay me up! I should have my best time here in Texas and not cultivating plants and taking care of those stupid farm animals. I am not a farmer, for their information! I was raised to become a successful woman someday. I dreamed to be United States first female President! And I demand it for the every minute they took away from me! My mind heated up like a whistling kettle on fire. I can't take this anymore. Maybe pops' just mad at me that's why he's setting-up vengeance on me. The sun set and darkness falls. Pops' inside of his room, maybe, watching t.v or reading magazines he had for almost 30 years. His room is beside that abandoned extent I was talking about, and mine is also situated beside it. I get into my night clothes and a pair of slippers. I casually walked into the direction of his room without a single sound coming from my mouth or even in my feet, spying on his moves. My goal was to get the key. But I don't even know where that old man put that key. Inside his drawer, pocket, or closet? I have no idea. I slowly opened the newly furnaced door of his room. I can't see pops. The only thing me eyes could reach was his front sight. He's watching a television show. Like a horror movie.

"What I'm doing is not a right thing for an 8 year-old girl like me" I whispered to myself

And all of the sudden, he heard a voice coming for his front door, I swiftly went inside my room, still looking at the door. He came out to see who was there.

"Who's that?"

I saw the key! It was inside the pocket of his blue, sleeping robe. I'm so close, too close to have that dusky room unlocked. I'll wait for the time to stalk that precious thing.

For over three hours of an untiring wait, the time has come. I opened pop's door gently, and get inside. There were no lights! But I still forced myself to get that key. I was about to look for the clothing he wore when I suddenly slipped. I was out balanced. That noise was too audible for him to hear. But I've got no reply. Then, I heard his voice. He was downstairs! As his footsteps graze towards the room, I searched for the robe and found it. I was wandering my hand where that key was placed. Then I got it. I hid inside the C.R when pops lately turned on the lights. That was too close! Sigh! I don't know which way am I going to take. Then I felt that the lights where again switched off so I took time to get out, fastly! And, I fulfilled all of my plans! I was in delight, but still left blank. What would the room be? I hurriedly thrusted the key to where it should be. And, abruptly, pops was awaken with my commotion.

"Who's that? I swear I'll really call the cops If you wont face me!"

I was threatened! So I opened the door and hid myself there. That time when I was inside, I'm confused why pops' still not asleep that instance. Is he watching at me, too. But I can't feel someone lurking at me until I was inside this dark room. I was all alone! Nothing there but the sound of a screaming lady, like I'm the only one who can hear it. I slowly wandered the room even though I couldn't see a thing. I'm afraid to look back. What if somebody's also here with me. What am I going to do? I raised my palm when all of the sudden a hand, so cold and rough in surface like the one whom also touched me the first day we were here. That time, my question of who's creeping inside my room when I'm sleeping, was answered. My knees were shaking. I was hysterical. Then, the sound bacame louder and louder that I can already hear the man owning the voice, coming from me. The lights opened. Thank God! But I'm still not satisfied. I found myself standing in front of an old wardrobe. It has burned parts. I was going to open it when the illumination flashed black and white. I saw with my bare eyes that the wardrobe was moving. Then it suddenly opened without me even touching it.

" me!" I uttered

Then, a lady with an eyes of the devil, the killer fangs of the undead, slowly came out the closet. I was shocked. I ran towards the door. I tried to open it but it wont. I forced to destroy the knob, but it didn't work either. I was weeping. My tears shed down my neck. It's like I was crying a million liters of water. I can't feel my mind working, or even my heart still beating. The lady walked towards me. We were facing each other. Eye to eye! Her feet were on chains. Her left hand was gone. I want to get out but she's still following me, wherever I go. Blood was dripping down the floor. With extreme fear, I again fainted. She whispered some words on my ears. I was not able to hear it clearly.

The next day, I just woke up with dad and pops beside my bed.

"How's your night my beloved Alice?"

Dad seems to be happy. With even no traces of sadness or even confused. It's like, there's nothing happened that night. Pops was, too.

"Dad, did you hear a single sound last night?" I asked him

"Well, if you ask me, yes!"

"What kind of sound, dad?"

He was smiling, pushing his cackle inside.

"It was just my ringtone"

What? So if it didn't happened all along, the key should still inside my pocket. I called the two of them to give me some time and privacy. I was stunned when I got the key out from my pocket. How did all of these happened? I came out of my room and went on the area where everything that night took place. I opened it and saw everything was in mess, except for the wardrobe. Perfect as an ice cream! Oh no, this isn't happening. Last night wasn't a dream! How happened that they didn't hear even a single clamor?

"I know, somebody's inside that wardrobe, waiting for her next attempt!"

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