♡Chapter 3:Stronger than you think♡

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Me and Powder walked down the smelly garbage pile hand in hand.

We went down a hallway that led to a ladder with a trapdoor above it. We all climbed up the ladder one by one. The trapdoor lifted up with a loud squeak similar to one of chalk on a chalkboard.

We continued our way back to our home in the under city.

Rando dude: Nice haul?

Mylo: You could say that.

Deckard: I hear there was some action across the river.

We all slowed our walking and paused

Deckard:Someone, uh, someone really kicked the nest, huh?

Vi: Is that so huh

Two more dudes came down another allyway. I scooted closer to Powder and grabbed her hand, to which she responded by giving my hand a squeeze.

Deckard: But now you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets.

Vi: Your streets? What makes you think-

Claggor: Listen, we don't want any trouble today okay?

Rando: Hear that Deckard? they don't want any trouble.

Deckard: You know, in my experience trouble finds you.

Deckard: There's no reason this needs to get ugly.

Deckard: How bout you share a little taste of your treasure there and we'll call it even?

Mylo:No, no, no. We worked too hard to..

Vi started walking over to the dude and his goons while me and Powder where still huddled close.

Vi: just a taste?

Dickwad:Just a-

Suddenly Vi grabbed the bag tight and swung at the dudes face, he let out a yelp and tumbled to the ground. Vi tossed the bag to me and Powder. We grabbed it together as we watched the fight unfold. Mylo was on ground with one of the goons on top of him trying to get some punches in. Me and Powder slid closer to the wall, the attack was still going strong. Claggor was throwing the goons over his shoulder and throwing them to the ground he kicked the person. Powder started to wimper at the sight of the war going on between them. I scooted close to her and hugged her. Vi was fighting really well against Deckard, untill he landed a blow on her jaw. Powder scooted closer and leaned in to me. I felt bad she had never been the one to like violence. Mylo finally landed a hit on his attacker and the guy fell to the floor as Mylo hit him in the head with his arm. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and nose. She put her face in my neck trying not to watch everyone around us get beaten to a pulp. There was a thump by our legs. We both looked up to see a bloody man that fell by us. He looked up with a smirk.

Y/n: Powder run!

We both got up and bolted away just missing getting smushed by Mylo and his attacker. We continued to race as fast as we could down the allyways while Powder still carried the bag. We took boards that were laying against the wall and tried to knock them down to slow down the guy chasing us. We were successful and kept running. We ran down a dock only to realize.. It was a dead end. We tried to hide behind a wall all while trying to catch our breath.


Y/n: damn..

Two boards that were leaning against the wall fell and made a loud noise alerting the man chasing us.

I looked up to Powder's panicked eyes.

Powder started fiddling with one of her bombs she called Mouser. She filled it with nails and started to wisper.

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