♡Chapter 5: I'll never leave you.♡

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I remember that day perfectly. It almost seems, seems as if it were yesterday..

Mylo: We'll if the enforcers hit tonight, we'll be ready. I think..

Claggor: Dibs on the bat

Mylo: No, no, no, no. I found it.

Claggor: But I called it.

Mylo: But I found it.

Claggor: Respect the dibs.

As Claggor and Mylo go on about who gets a random wooden bat, me and Powder lay on the bed. She was sad. I think she misses Vi. Speak of the devil. Vi comes through the door and was about to speak before Powder ran up and hugged her sister.

Powder: Oh you're back.

I got off the bed and walked towards the group. Vi looked somewhat bothered and anxious to see me and Powder. She doesn't hug Powder back and just walks towards the table with weapons.

Mylo: Hey, those are Vander's. Slow down. What's going on?

Vi: Benzo's dead.

Claggor: Dead?

Vi: They took Vander.

Mylo: Who took Vander?

Vi: I don't know. But I need to help him.

Mylo: We're going with you.

Vi: Whatever killed Benzo.. was like nothing I've ever seen. It tore him apart.

Me and Powder looked at Vi's hands. She clenched them like she was imagining her worst enemy in her iron grip, trying to end them. Vi started crying. And we gathered around to mourn with her.

Claggor: You're not doing this alone, Vi.

Mylo: He's our father too.

Powder ran over to where her bombs and other weapons were, I followed and helped her pack things to rescue Vander. We both stood there next to eachother waiting our next command. Vi just looked at us and let out a sigh.

Vi: I'm gonna need you to sit this one out
Y/n, Powder.

Me and Powder both spoke in sync

Both: What?

Vi: You're not coming.

Powder: We're not afraid.

Y/n: Yes, we can help, we'll need as many people as we can get, right?

Vi: It's too dangerous.

Powder: But families stick together. You said it yourself.

Vi: I know what I said..

Powder: We want to fight. We can help.

Vi: Niether of you are ready.

Powder tried to search Vi's eyes for some type of hesitation. I was speechless by now, Vander was our father too.

Vi: You are all I have left. I can't lose either of you.

Small tears started littering both our faces.

Vi: If they come for you, take this and run.

Vi: Wherever you are, light it up, and I'll find you. I promise.

She leaned her forehead on ours and turned around to leave. She turned around for a moment, and hesitated. She saw both of our small figures looked back at her Lost, hopeless, frightened. Then.. she left.

This time, the feeling in my stomach was almost to overwhelming to ignore. Something big was about to happen

The end....... jkjkj

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