♡Chapter 9: You came back?♡

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Jinx was still acting mostly like her usual self from what I've seen so far. Thank the deities.

Jinx: (N/N)... will you come with me to the bar?

Y/n: Sure, I have nothing better to do.

Jinx: I mean.. nothing is better than hanging out with your favorite person right?

I chuckled and smiled at her.

Y/n: right!

We walked upstairs to the bar were Chuck was working. Jinx shushed me and signaled me to follow her. I knew what she was doing.

We slipped through the door and quickly ran to the side before Chuck could see us. He looked at the door and shook it off seeing as no one was there. Me and Jinx sat down at one of the seats at the bar.

Jinx: Chuck!

He jumped back in surprise seeing us both sitting at the counter.

Chuck: Thieram.. Uh.. my names Thireram.

Jinx: Nice try, Chuck.

Jinx taps the table twice and flips her hair back. She looks back at me and I nod.

Jinx: Two straws, Thank you!

Chuck, or 'Thieram' Starts making the drink, we're regulars so he knows remembers exactly what we want. Well, I guess Jinx threatening him helps jog his memory.

Jinx: So what's all the hubbub?

Chuck: Uh, boss wants us to grab someone up.

Jinx: Someone? Anyone?

He puts our drink down in front of us. It's a black cup with little designs me and Powder made when we were younger.

Jinx: Who are you grabbing?

Chuck: Some girls

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

Chuck: I mean, I mean not.. I'm not grabbing girls. Oh, other than the.. those ones...I guess.

I look at him with with suspicious face.

Jinx snapped her fingers. He dropped two straws in the drink. Me and Jinx took a sip.

Jinx: Focus. Who are they? Why wasn't I invited to the party?

She took the crystal and rolled it around on the rim before dropping it in. I chuckled, she took a sip and I followed along.

Chuck: I, I don't know. They got I a fight with Sevika. They did a number on her.

Jinx: Oh really? What number?

I chuckled, she was making fun of him.

Chuck: It's like a saying...

Jinx: You're doing great, Chuck.

She got up and hugged him. My eyes widened and I glared at him. I stood up to wait for Jinx. Why was I feeling like this? She can hug whoever she wants, so, why? She pulled away from him and jumped over the counter.

Jinx: Here, for you, Chuck.

She turned around and grabbed our drink, she took my hand and I felt my stomach flutter. He turned around and an explosion of pink powder blew from behind his back. I looked at him and held my knife in my hand, I made a neck slice motion with my knife as a warning for him.

On our way home she turned to me with an exited face.

Jinx: I have an idea!

I smiled at her exited face.

Jinx x Reader《I'll Never Leave You》Where stories live. Discover now