An Unexpected Twist

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Y/N woke up the next morning and stretched, surprised to see light peeking through his curtains. He released the silencing charm around his bed and opened his curtains, looking at his clock. It read 7:00am. He had really slept in.

He got sweats and a tank top on, lifted Newt onto his shoulder and grabbed some casual clothes for the day. He headed down to the common room hopeful and nervous, but Hermione wasn't there. As he descended the stairs Neville looked up from his seat on a couch and smiled, wishing Y/N good morning.

"Hey Nev. You haven't seen Hermione have you?" Y/N asked concerned.

"No, not yet" Neville replied.

Y/N sighed.

"Ok no worries. Thanks bud"

Neville nodded at Y/N as Y/N headed out of the common room and towards the Room of Requirement.

Y/N felt extremely conflicted throughout his workout. He was trying his best to remain centred, remain stoic, unemotional- the way Jacob trained him to be.

The worry, the anxiety and the emotions wouldn't listen though, continuously pushing themselves up to the forefront of Y/N's mind.

It felt so natural the previous night. Leaning in to kiss Hermione, the way they were so close all the time, holding hands, her kisses on his cheeks. What if he had misread everything. She had ran away after all.

He tried again to push his doubts and worries down deep as he finished working out and headed to the shower.


Y/N entered the Great Hall for breakfast and was surprised to see his four friends already present. Harry and Ron sat at one end of the table, while Hermione and Lavender sat at the far end, right near the teachers' table.

Hermione caught sight of Y/N and briefly made eye contact before quickly looking away.

Y/N sighed to himself. He was right. He'd fucked up. She hated him now. Y/N felt his world crumble. A cold expression passed across his face. He felt the anger and bile rise up again from some deep, dark, primordial place within. Y/N pushed it down, sitting down silently across from Ron and Harry.

The two boys looked at each other, they could practically feel the emotional distress emanating from him. Harry said quietly:

"Everything ok Y/N?"

Y/N looked up from the eggs he had piled on his plate. Harry was shocked. Y/N was always so warm and friendly to his friends, yeah he could be downright scary, but to those close to him he was warm, caring, protective; Y/N didn't have any of those characteristics this morning. Harry looked at the cold blank expression on Y/N's face and could practically feel the ice in Y/N's veins as he replied:

"I'm fine Harry"


Y/N had been sat for about twenty minutes, eating his eggs slowly, not looking up from his plate. Harry and Ron sat silently as well, unsure what to do or even what was wrong with their friend. Katie Bell had came in about ten minutes after Y/N and had slowly ran her hand along his shoulders, saying in a tone of voice that sounded strange to Harry:

"Good morning Y/N"

Y/N had replied "Katie" coldly, not looking up from his plate. Harry looked at Katie confused before glancing down the table where he saw Hermione with her head in her hands and Lavender giving Katie a death glare. Harry had wondered why the two girls had sat away from them when they entered the Great Hall. He was completely confused now.

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