First thing to do is get all of the devices you can, Then log into your alt accounts and with one of the devices log into your main one! Now you join adopt me on all of the accounts, on your main account give the pet your going to make neon. 1 to each account and keep one on your main account if you don't have 4 devices just do the same thing. After invite all your accounts to your family and get out a triple stroller (or a 2 person stroller) and carry, ride and put the rest in the stroller and take care of all of the pets and if you want the alt accounts!
- You can also make lots of money from this
- Using a double stroller would also be good!
- Every 15 minutes move your alt account around a little bit because if you don't move for 20 minutes you get disconnected for being idle
Adopt Me Tips
Randomthis is for anyone to use these tips! :) These are tips for building, making money, and other stuff