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I'm so excited! I'm going to my first ever party, that isn't a birthday party. I never thought I would be doing this but you know, here I am! The biggest struggle of all of this is gonna be coming up with a lie to tell my mom.. Oh! Maybe that I'm going out to hang out with some friends? No. She's just gonna ask what friends so that will never work. I'm going to the diner to study! She might ask why I'm dressing so nice though.. UGH! Why is this so difficult? Why did I even agree? That is actually a great question. Why did I say yes?

I've decided on an outfit! I'm gonna wear this orange & pink short but not too short dress! It makes me look dressed up but not too dressed up. I really hope a dress isn't too much.. It'll be alright Char, you can do this! Why am I so nervous? It's probably just because I'm going to my first party! It might be cold outside so I'm gonna wear a leather jacket over the dress for at least outside. Time for makeup! I think I'm just gonna do a cute simple look, mascara & lip-gloss. My absolute go to makeup look! I think I look pretty good! Next, shoes. Oh no.. BLACK CONVERSE OR PINK CONVERSE? I hate choosing between the two. They're both so cute and would go so well with this outfit!!! Okay.. PINK! I think this is the look!

Time to lie to my mom. This is the worst part for me. I hate lying to my mom.. We have such a trusting and close relationship it just feels so wrong. I have to do this. For a middle school experience! I head downstairs while trying to come up with the best lie possible. Here goes nothing! "Hey mom! I'm gonna go hang out with some friends I'll be back in an hour or two!" "You finally made some friends? What are their names?!" I froze in fear. What do I say? Do I tell her it's Lexy? Oh no. "Uhhh Lexy Cross & Junior Wheeler..!" "Oh.. Isn't Lexy kinda mean..? Well, have fun! Call if you need anything! Love you!" "Okay!! Thanks mom!" Wow, I feel so terrible. I mean i technically didn't lie.. right? I mean Lexy and Junior are both gonna be there so!

Here I am. Lexy Cross's house. God, what am I doing here? Why did I even come? I'm so stupid I should just leave.. "Hey! You're Charlotte right?" "Uhhh.. Yeah, who are you?" "I'm Devon! I've seen you around school and I thought you seemed nice!" "Well, I guess you could say I'm nice. I sure hope I'm not mean." "Haha! So, who invited you to the party?" "Surprisingly, Lexy did!" "Oh, I didn't know you two were friends!" "Well.. we aren't really. She just walked up to me today at school and asked me if I wanted to come." "Oh, cool! We should probably go inside. Let's go!" "Alright!"

Devon and I walked into Lexy's house. Woah this place is big! I guess I'm gonna stick with Devon because I don't really know anyone else. "Oh! There's my friend Jake! Let's go say hi!" Who's Jake again? Isn't he the one that Lexy bullies all the time? I'm not sure, I guess I'll find out! "Hey Jake!" "O-Oh.. Hi Devon!" Bro it's so obvious Jake likes Devon!! How does he not see it.. All of a sudden Jake & Devon get shoved into a closet! "7 MINUTES IN HELL!!" Everyone yelled SO loud. What? Oh no. This is bad. Why would they do that, that's so mean! "HEY LET THEM OUT." "Ohhh, "little miss perfect" has spoken everyone! Why should I let them out huh?" "That's such a mean thing to do don't you people have anything better to do? God." "Of course we have better stuff to do..!" "If that's true, go do something else instead of tormenting people." "Hey.. We should probably listen to her.." Some kid spoke up. "NO! I don't wanna prove her point!" "You do realize by still messing with them you're proving her point." "Oh.. I'll get them next time little miss perfect!" Next time I'll be there assholes. Why do people think stuff like that is funny? Ugh. I should probably let them out. "Hey you guys! I was able to get you guys out early!" "Really? Thank Char!" Devon exclaimed. "Did you just call me Char..?" "Yeah.. is that not okay? I can stop if you want me t-" "NO NO! You can call me Char, Devon! I was just surprised that's all!" "Oh alright!"

We head over to the main area where everyone is crowded around for some reason. Jake, Devon, and I make it over to the front of the crowd and see the most disgusting thing ever. Lexy was dressed up as Jake's dad who died no even that long ago. I felt so bad for Jake. I had to do something! "LEXY WHAT THE HELL??" Lexy froze with an almost shocked face. "I.." "YOU CAN'T JUST DRESS UP AS SOMEONES DEAD FATHER?!" "It's just a joke Charlotte.." "Obviously not a very funny one." I can't believe that just happened. Is this what I've been ignoring all these months? I can't believe I wanted to be friends with her.. "JAKE! Are you alright?" "Not really. You understand why." "Yeah.. I do. That was really fucked up of her. I can't believe I've been ignoring all of this.." "It's whatever no one ever really tries to stop it anyways.." "Jake it isn't whatever! This is serious bullying. I don't understand what is wrong with these people." "Thank you.. Char." "Of course, anytime Jake! Friends?" "Friends.


I hope this chapter was good! This is my first time ever really writing a story like this so I hope it wasn't terrible! :) Stay Tuned for Chapter 2! <33

Love, Cassie!

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 𝗟𝗘𝗫𝗬 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗦Where stories live. Discover now