Chapter Five: Bedtime Story

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I walked out of her room holding the blue bunny and inspected him. He had a pink bow tied around his neck. I smiled and tugged at it. The bunny looked at me with beady black eyes. Somehow, I felt it was important to her and I knew I should give it back, but this could wait. I shuffled back into my room and placed it gently on my pillow. He rested there looking like he owned the place. 

“Stay there, Bunny. I have to go… Look for Rowan. I think,” I instructed.

I counted my footsteps as I left the room. 

Rowan was loitering in the hallway with Abi. She was hanging onto his neck with her boney hands and looking into his eyes. She smirked up at him and batted her eyelashes. They were the most flirtatious couple, yet could still keep it PG. I giggled and secretly wished that I had someone like her.

“Hey,” I greeted.

Abi and Rowan turned to me.

“Hi!” Abi grinned as she looked me over. Her dark blue eyes were shining.

“Where have you been?” Rowan asked.

I looked down at my feet, contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth, knowing he would want to know details and knowing I wanted to exaggerate… I smirked, “Just unpacking.”

He nodded, “We were going to watch a movie before heading off to bed. Meet us in the lounge area?”


We watched an action movie with a little romance. I looked over at him and Abi and saw them snuggle. He caressed her dark cheek with his index finger as her blue eyes were fixed on the movie. She giggled at him a few times. I sighed longing for Autumn who was nowhere to be seen. At least, not until the end of the movie.

She came running in just as the credits were scrolling to the top of the screen. She scrambled through everyone who was watching and threw things around as if looking for something. I was confused momentarily until the bunny popped into my mind. Since Autumn was her personality Shayna when she had given me her bunny, she probably didn’t remember giving me him. I headed over to her.


“Oh… my god,” her big eyes were filled with worry. “I can’t find him anywhere. I lost him. No! I think someone stole him… That’s the only plausible answer. Someone stole my bunny.”

I smirked and tilted my head to the side slightly to get a better look at her auburn hair and light green eyes. That yellow around the pupil really got me curious. Was that normal? I tried to think of anyone else who had eyes like those. When I realized that I had been staring, I shook my head.

“No one stole your bunny,” I said, trying to be reassuring. I had to get it out all at once.

“But… he’s not in my room…”

“You gave me your bunny.”

Autumn’s eyes narrowed and she leaned back a little, “You took him from me, didn’t you?”

I put up my hands in defense, “No, I didn’t take him! I swear! Remember when you wanted to go into that room? The scary room? You turned into Shayna and you got scared and so we ran out and went to your room and you gave me him as a thank you for saving you,” I blabbered so she couldn’t stop me.

She paused and stepped closer to me, “Shayna?”

I nodded, hands still up in front of me.

“I never question Shayna’s choices,” Autumn sighed then smiled. “You can keep Jacob.”

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