Chapter Seven: Savior

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A/N: A little bit of PG-13 Rating ahead... WARNING.... Adult Content... That is all. It's not too bad.. but... I'm putting a warning... Just in case. :) I'm being NICE! XD


Yvette/Autumn dragged me through the garden and to a field that hadn’t been mowed in what looked like a century. I was feeling quite a draft with my shirt hanging open and tried desperately with my free hand to close it, but it was not working. She turned around and pounced on me once we got to the field.

“Aut—Yvette, I don’t think we should be…” I trailed off as I stared into her green eyes. They were burning with passion as they continued to unbutton the last two. As she reached the last one, she unlatched my pants and grasped the zipper.

“Well, well, well…” she said with an eyebrow raised. Yvette looked down at my pants and then back up at me, “I thought you’d be ready for me by now, but I guess I can fix that…”

“We really, really shouldn’t do this, Yvette. Someone could come out here at any moment and breakfast is almost ready. Don’t you want breakfast? Aren’t you hungry?” I said quickly. Yvette was scaring the toads out of me. I wanted my first time to be with someone I really loved. Of course, I loved Autumn, but this was Yvette, Autumn’s alternative personality. 

Yvette pulled back, “Oh, silly boy… I’m not hungry for food.”

Could she rape me? Could a girl of her average height and weight physically rape me? It was just a thought that came to mind at that moment. You know, randomly… I squirmed uncomfortably and tried to button up my pants and shirt again.

Yvette crawled sexily on top of me, forcing me to lie down, “You know, I like it when my guys are submissive. Are you a quiet one, Malakai?”

Oh my god she could and would… I looked at her muscles which were a little bit larger than I had originally noticed and they could probably hold down my weak body easily. Of course, me being a male, I could… well, be a male for as long as she needed me to… yes, she could rape me. Crap. I needed to flee and fast. My lower body right now hated me.

“Um… Yvette… I need to… uhhh…” I tried to think of something clever, something cunning to get myself out of this.

“What is it… Malakai?” she asked in that beautiful voice.

My whole body shook when she said my name. She shouldn’t tease me like that, “I have to go to the bathroom.” I mentally slapped myself. That wasn’t smart at all.

She chuckled, “I don’t think you understand, Malakai. When I want something… I get it… And right now, something tells me that I want you.”

She grabbed my chin and thrust it upwards. Our lips were mere centimeters away and before I knew it, she screamed. She jumped off me.

I followed her gaze and looked behind me. Jeremy, the catatonic schizophrenic was standing behind us. He was just standing there with one hand in his mouth, one hand in our direction and both of his legs crossed. We had no idea how long he had been there since we had been concentrated on each other, but he must have snuck up on us. Huh, he does move.

“Yvette, I think we should go.”

“Oh shit, I was Yvette?!” Autumn’s voice was back to normal and when I looked back at her, redness engulfed her face. She covered her cheeks in her hands. “Please tell me I didn’t do anything embarrassing!”

“Um…” I looked down at my shirt and pants which were both unbuttoned.

She followed my gaze and fell backwards, “Oh my goodness, Malakai, I’m so sorry! I’ve been told horrible things about Yvette… Or at least, the guys seem to like her, which means I definitely don’t. I’m nothing like her. I don’t mean to do that! I’m so sorry! I don’t mean anything when I’m her, I promise!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2011 ⏰

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