Chapter 10

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Charlie's POV

Two weeks had passed quickly and today was the last day I would spend at home. Things had gotten a little better between my mate and my family, the tension was still there, but it wasn't anything like it had been before. It was hard saying goodbye to my class of pups at the daycare. I loved them as much as they loved me. On my last day working, the pups all hugged me. Some of them cried, and when I got up to my room, I cried too. I had been the one to bless many of them when they were born because after Emeilio's mother passed. I had been there for a big portion of their lives and to just leave. I almost felt like I was leaving a piece of me behind.

Today, I just wanted to spend as much time with my family as possible because I didn't know when I would see them next. When we told Emeilio I would be going away, and he didn't take it well. Although he took it as well as any toddler would, he didn't understand why I was leaving- all he knew was that I was leaving him behind. In a way, I was the mother figure in his life, and he was about to lose me to Presley. So he took out his frustrations, hitting Presley, calling him an evil rogue monster.

I could tell that Presley was hurt, I couldn't communicate to him well, except for when we had someone to translate for the both of us. But the sadness that was in his eyes when someone condemned him for taking me from my pack.

I wished that I could talk more with my mate and let him know that everything was fine, that I understood since I was of age to find my mate, and said mate not being in my pack— that I knew I was going to have to move from my home. I didn't expect it to be on the other side of the world. When I found out he was an alpha, in my mind, moving was already solidified that I would have to move from my pack, and I didn't mind. There were many things I would give up for Presley, my body, my soul, and everything I knew.

I knew he would take care of me and make sure my needs, whatever they may be, were met. We didn't have to speak the same language for me to know that. For him, though? I'm sure he needed words of reassurance versus the silent communication we relied so heavily upon.

The relationship between Presley and my family had changed for the better, other than the banter between him and my brother and Emeilio holding a grudge against me and my mate. My nephew would come to me to tell me something or show me something he did, and then he would remember he was mad at me and would run away. I don't think he realized how much he broke my heart doing that. I just wanted to hold him until I couldn't any longer, but it looked less likely as the week passed.

"Are you okay?" My mate brought me away from my thoughts. I was able to understand the basic sentence from my mama's lessons. I frowned and shook my head, and tears began to build up in my eyes. Presley frowned and pulled me into his lap, kissing the top of my head. "I'm sorry, angel." He muttered into my hair.

"I hurt." I cried to him, speaking broken English.

"I know." He kissed my head again, trying to soothe me by rubbing my back.

I wondered if he felt guilty taking me from my home. I was so torn, but I didn't know how to ask Presley if I could stay just a little longer. But, on the other hand, I knew that I wouldn't be able to be away from him for long. When he was with my brother conducting the audit of our pack, I felt anxious, wanting to be beside my mate. It was an itching feeling that would begin at my toes and work up to my neck, and no matter how much I scratched my skin, the itch would remain.

I knew he couldn't stay away from his pack much longer, either. I was torn to pieces, and I also didn't know how to communicate to my mate that I was.

Presley rubbed small circles on my back, humming to me, trying to calm me down. I hadn't realized that I was now sobbing into his chest. I gripped onto his shirt and inhaled his scent to try to calm myself down, and after a while, I finally did.

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