Chapter 36

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When my brother and his mates arrived home, I could automatically tell something was wrong. Karsen carried Erin in his arms, and Rowan had a look of defeat on his face. I frowned in confusion, looking for Presley. He trailed behind the trio, and he, too, shared a look of disappointment on his face.

"What happened?" I asked, approaching my mate.

"I'll talk to you when we're alone," Presley responded. Pulling me to his chest, he gently placed his lips on my forehead. I nodded my head in agreement, and we followed my brother and his mates to their living quarters.

It had been decided that Karsen would remain in this pack, relinquishing his alpha title to his beta to remain with his two mates within Presley and I's pack. We decided that would be his best course of action, seeing as my parents, Karsen, and I knew that our pack members wouldn't allow one rogue, let alone two, into the pack.

Presley and I's pack would be able to accommodate them just fine with a smooth transition. When we got to the living quarters that Karsen, Rowan, and Erin shared, my brother turned toward Presley and me. "Can you two please look over Alicent and Emilio for the night?" He asked.

I didn't hesitate to answer. "Of course." I nodded my head.

"No– No, please, I want Alicent with me," Erin responded, gripping my brothers shirt in desperation.

"Erin–" Rowan spoke up, but the feisty omega cut him off.

"I want my baby," He strained.

"I'll go get her." I waved the baby monitor that I had in my pocket to him. "She fell asleep not to long after you left."

Tears welled in Erin's eyes, and I handed him the device. He took it into his hands and cradled it to his chest.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I met the omega's eyes. His lip quivered, but he nodded and let me leave them.

By the time I returned to everyone, they had cozied themselves in their bed, and the omega was in between the two alpha's, sobbing into the crook of Rowan's neck. They didn't speak a word, Erin had pulled himself up to grab the infant from me, and he held the little girl close to his chest. Karsen dismissed me and mouthed that he would talk with me later, and I nodded my head in response. Presley guided me out of the room, gently shutting the door behind us.

"What happened?" Was the first thing I asked when the door was closed.

"We didn't see the boy there... There was a lot of blood in the house too. Fresh blood..." Presley reached behind his neck and began to scratch it. "I'm going to take a few people with me later to get some samples to make sure. But we're assuming something– or someone happened."

"Do you think it was him?" I asked.

His name didn't need to be mentioned for Presley to know who I was talking about.

"I can't make a judgment completely, but the days line up... If it was, I have some hope the boy is alive." Presley responded, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I laid my head down on his, and we walked slowly toward our apartment. "I'm sure he'll be able to tell that boy is his. Unfortunately, he smells half of that mutt."

I frowned. "If you find out his blood is not there, will you look for him?" I asked.

"Of course. He's technically, in a weird way, not blood-related, but he's my nephew?" There was a questioning tone in Presley's voice.

"I mean, I think so?" I asked myself. "We'll call him our nephew. Blood doesn't always mean they're family."

Presley nodded his head. "You're correct, angel."

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