Chapter 39

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Presley walked me through the wooded area to the spot he had picked for us to consummate our mating for the goddess. We decided to have a private consummation when in his pack. It was tradition for packmates to be present for it, and we decided that it was proof enough that we were mates by having our child.

I also thought it was because Presley didn't want anyone to see his pregnant mate in the nude, to which I agreed. I really didn't want people to see me during such an intimate moment with my mate. We wore the furs that August and Presley had worn to their own mating ceremony, and it was tradition for the alpha and luna of the pack to wear them.

I didn't understand the tradition because they would be taken off regardless. Presley explained it was to cover us to and from the area, which was fair enough. I hadn't said much more after that.

When we got to the clearing, the moon shone down on the area Presley had set up for the night. A large blanket covered the grass, with plenty of pillows atop it. Probably for my comfort alone. There were little lanterns around the area, lighting it dimly enough for me to make out everything.

My body buzzed. I didn't know if it was from the sudden overbearing feel of the gift of Luna's powers coursing through my veins. Or the moon that was almost full above us. Or simply because of my mate.

Presley turned around, and a gentle smile crossed his lips. He pulled me to his chest and leaned down to plant his lips on mine. My chest soared, and I let my mate, my husband, my alpha take control. I gasped when he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, slick ran down my ass cheeks, and my cock hardened.

I loved it when Presley would take control. It made me feel protected. It made me his.

I could feel Presley's cock harden under the furs, and he dropped down to his knees, gently laying me down on the pillows in front of him. He wasted no time taking the furs off of me and discarding them on the ground. I moved around to get comfortable, which was no easy feat because of our child, that was nearing its entrance into the world.

"You're so gorgeous." Presley looked me in the eyes. He placed one of his hands on my belly, and the other rested above my shoulder, so he was hovering above me. His hard cock rubbed against my own. Presley's hand rubbed down my stomach, and he grabbed onto both of our cocks and began stroking them.

I mewled in pleasure and leaned my head back, looking up at the silver moon in the sky. My breath was taken away when Presley put his lips to my neck and gently nipped at the skin. My hips jerked up, and my mouth dropped open. I let out a sound of pleasure and let my mate do as he pleased with me. It didn't take me long to cum over both of our chests, my thighs quivered and my breath was caught in my throat. I could feel his smirk against my skin, and he didn't give me time to cool down before he shoved two of his fingers into my slickened hole.

"It's almost as if you've been waiting for me all day." His voice tickled my ear. Presley pulled away, meeting my eyes, the smirk I had felt against my skin still clear as day on his face.

I moved my hips upwards, matching his smirk. "I think you have been too." I chucked, grabbing ahold of hpis giant weeping cock. "At least I can use my hormones as an excuse." I hummed, stroking his cock.

He grunted in response and added another finger to my awaiting hole. Times like right now, I hated waiting for him to fuck me. I wanted him in me, and quickly. I never thought I would be the one to be so— lewd when it came to mating. But every cell in my body craved to be touched and scented.

I reached up and wrapped both of my hands around Presley's neck, and pulled his face down to mine. My half-lidded eyes bore into his, begging for him to fuck me. "Fuck me, make me yours." I breathed out haughtily. "Show the goddess that I'm yours, baby." I moaned out. Presley pulled away for one second, I could hear the popping sound of him pulling his fingers out of me, and he didn't hesitate to pull his cock out of my hand to shove himself into my awaiting hole.

My vision got starry, and I closed my eyes, leaning my head back into the pillows again, and I clenched my hole around my mate. Tonight it felt different, be it because we were finally mates in the goddess's eyes because we were married, or maybe from the powers of the Luna I received this evening.

I couldn't believe that after all of the doubt I had put into our mating at the beginning, the wavering trust that I had caused for Presley, that every obstacle we had gone through, we had made it through that we came out stronger together. The proof was our child that rested below my heart.

My attention was brought back to my mate when he placed both hands on my stomach, stopping his movements, my eyes snapped back open for him. Our little one moved around under his palms, and he genuinely smiled. I placed my hands on his and matched the look on his face.

"I love you." His face softened.

"And I, you."

He then cupped my face in one of his hands and grabbed onto one of my thighs, and began to move once more. Slowly and sensually thrusting into my sweet spot. Encouraging me to climax once more.

My breath was caught in my throat, and I almost forgot how to breathe. His knot pulsated when he came inside of me. Almost as if his alpha instincts didn't realize I was already pregnant. Though, I wasn't one to protest the wonderful feeling of his girthy knot at the base of his cock, tying us together. My toes curled, and my legs held him in place.

"Fuck, angel." He groaned, leaning back down, so his face was against mine. He planted his lips on mine, quickly dominating the kiss and taking over my mouth, brushing his tongue against the roof of it. Shivers went down my spine, and I moaned in pleasure.

He pulled away, a stray strand of our intermingled spit dripped down from my lips, and Presley rested his head against my forehead. His sultry breath tickled my face, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

"You're perfect." Presley panted.

I nuzzled my nose against his and he hugged me to him. His knot keeping us together.

— — —

Later in the evening, once Presley's knot had faded, he helped me get up from the nest of pillows and helped me clean up with some baby wipes that were stashed in a little basket under the lantern. He gave me some water and grabbed the furs that we had arrived in, and helped me slip them back on.

He helped me get to my feet, and we began our journey back to the packhouse. "Tonight," I paused, looking back up at the moon. "Tonight, it was different."

"Hmm," Presley looked over to me, raising a brow in wonder. "I think it's because you're officially my luna." He smiled.

"Do you think?" I asked.

"Of course I do. When I received my old man's alpha powers, I was buzzed with energy. My body craved to find a mate. But, the thing is, I always wanted something like my mom and dad had. I wanted that everlasting love. I wanted my perfect puzzle piece." Presley grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, gripping it tightly. "I'm glad I waited for my mate. Everything before you almost felt as if it were meaningless. You added a purpose to my life that I didn't know I needed. It took us a while longer than most, but I think the goddess didn't bring you to me right away because I needed to prepare for you and all of your light and joy." He beamed at me.

His confession made my heart soar from my body and caused tears to form in my eyes. "Thank you." I managed to choke out. "Goddess, I don't think I would cry like this normally. But these hormones." I wiped at the tears that had fallen.

"Oh, angel," He stopped in front of me and turned toward me, cupping my face in his hands. "The moment I saw you, I wanted to cry. You were an angel on earth." He kissed my forehead.

I leaned up to kiss him on his cheek. "And you're my alpha, my protector, the father to our child."


Just two chapters of epilogue left before we get to the next one.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update. My grandmother who I was super close to as a kid passed away and I haven't really been okay. I know life moves on and grieving will become easier. I'm glad I was able to hold her hand as she passed, it's something that will comfort me. I of course have this book completed on Patreon, I also have bonus chapters for this book, and more chapters ahead on my patreon. Anything seriously helps me. I love you all!

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