Chapter Three <33

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The sky was getting darker as everyone got into comfortable clothes and brought their snacks with them. Madison scrambled through her infinite amount of clothes and got a black tank top and red criss cross pyjama pants. They looked like a picnic blanket.

The blonde lifted her current top up leaving her only in a revealing black lace bra. Zoe didn't want to stare but she couldn't resist. As her new friend's head snapped up Zoe quickly looked away. She went to a corner of the room and speedily took her jumpsuit off.

'Zoe you don't have to hide we've all seen boobs before.' Madison called out.

Zoe turned around in her nike pros and Calvin Klein sports bra. Madison looked disappointed to see that the girl was not any further exposed. Zoe got her baggy black sweatshirt and gray sweat pants and put them on.

She packed her marshmallows, biscuits and chocolate into her small bag and waited for her gorgeous friend to get ready.

'Hey Zo mind if I put a few things in there?' Madison stuffed a pack of cigarettes and Pringles into the bag without waiting for a response.

'Madison! You can't take those! It's against the rules.' Zoe said in a panic.

'Relax Zo, no counsellors will be there.' Madison replied.

Zoe smiled as she realised Madison had now made a nickname for her. The blonde sprayed herself with Chanel perfume as the rest of the cabin left because she was taking too long.

Madison finished getting ready and her and her new friend strolled down the hall and outside to the campfire. It was already pitch-black and they had to use a torch to guide them. When they got there the campfire was already well started and people looked like they had already been wasted.

Zoe was left alone as the movie star waltzed off to a group of guys and snatched a bottle of vodka from them. The brunette sat down on a log and patiently waited for Madison to come back. She felt a presence next to her.

'Hi I'm Kyle.' A blonde guy smiled and held his hand out.

'I'm Zoe.' Zoe shook his hand.

'So you must be the new girl. Everyone's talking about you and something you have going on with Madison Montgomery?'

'What? No? I have no idea what you're talking about!' Zoe panicked.

'Relax Zoe. I saw the way you were looking at her before I came and sat down with you. It's quite obvious but just warning you going for bad girls like Madison isn't the best idea, you should maybe try going for good guys.' Kyle hinted at himself and winked.

'Look I'm sure you're a really nice guy but I would just prefer to stay friends. I don't really want to date anyone, I just want to have a good time.' Zoe replied quickly.

She lied slightly there. She wouldn't mind getting with Madison but it was none of Kyle's business to know that.

'Okay yep I'm fine with that.' He seemed a bit offended as he went back to his group of friends.

Zoe glanced over at Madison. She was chugging down beer bottles. Although Zoe didn't find drinking or drugs very attractive in a person, the blonde made it look so hot. Everything she did was so hot.

'Anyone up for a game of spin the bottle?' A guy next to the blonde shouted out.

A bunch of people shouted yes and crowded around each other. They formed a circle and Zoe decided to go sit next to Madison.

'Who's going first?' Queenie called out.

'I will!' Madison put a weak arm up.

She slammed her empty beer bottle on the ground. She spun it. Everyone watched in silence. The bottle went round and round. Eyes tracked it. After about ten seconds it finally stopped. Eyes followed to who it landed on.

'You can't kiss her! She's a girl!' Loads of people shouted out as they stared at Zoe.

'Shut up I can do what I want!' Madison screamed back at them.

As Madison began to lean into Zoe she threw up all over her friend.

'See you're drunk! You would never want to kiss her.' A boy across from them shouted out.

'Hey it's okay Mads, do you maybe wanna head back?' Zoe whispered in the blonde's ear as she tucked her gorgeous hair behind her ear.

Madison gave her a slight nod and Zoe helped her up. As the brunette noticed she was struggling to walk in a straight line, she offered to give her a piggy bank ride. She accepted the offer straight away and jumped on top of the other girl's back.

'We didn't get to have your s'mores.' Madison sighed as they reached their cabin.

Zoe pulled out her s'more ingredients and Madi's lighter. She held it near a marshmallow until it became hot and gooey. She then put it in the middle of two biscuits and wedged a piece of chocolate into there. She tucked the blonde into bed and fed her more s'mores.

'Mm these are good.' Madison groaned.

She signalled for Zoe to come sit down next to her. Madison picked up her blankets and pulled them over both her and Zoe. In her mind, she thought how lucky she was that her singular bunk bed was joined with Zoe's, as it was basically like they were sharing a double bed.

The smaller girl reached in her pocket for her phone.

'You have Instagram?' She asked.

'Yeah, hang on I'll get it for you.' Zoe got out her phone. 'Here's my user: @zoebensonnn.'

'Okay I found you.' Madison replied as Zoe's phone dinged.

~@themadisonmontgomery followed you~
the notification read.

The taller girl clicked on it.

'Holy shit ten million followers!' Zoe knew she was a movie star but she didn't know she was this famous.

Madison just chuckled as she put her phone on the ground and snuggled up next to Zoe. They adjusted themselves so that they were in a spooning position; Mad's arms wrapped tightly around her 'friend'. As she drifted off to sleep, Zoe continued to stalk her until about an hour later she had gone through the blonde's tiktok, instagram, snapchat, facebook, and twitter.

'Good night Madison.' Zoe said as she turned around to admire the sleeping girl's beauty.

Without another word she drifted off to sleep in Madison's arms.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I'm sorry Zadison haven't kissed yet but I just thought it would be too early as it's still only the first day of camp. Also I hope it makes sense how their bunk beds are joined (it was like that at this camp I went to so idk) Please comment/ rate as it motivates me to keep writing. Comment your suggestions/ ideas for the next chapter!!! Thank you all so much <33

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