The Search For Y/n!

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{Time-skip: The next day}

A blonde idiotic hyper boy trained on the training grounds. It was the one and only Naruto Uzumaki. The boy with a big dream of becoming Hokage one day and also the holder of the nine-tailed fox; The Jinchuuriki of The Leaf Village.

Naruto noticed Hinata standing a few feet away from him, not yet noticing him.

"Hm? Oh hey Hinata! What are you doing?shouldn't you be in the medical room?" Naruto called out to her. Hinata jumped and gave out a little squealed, startled. As she turned around and saw Naruto, her face turned red. Blushing at the said boy who didn't even notice.

"Na-naruto Kun..! I didn't see y-you there.." The Hyūga stuttered.

"Yeah I just got here. But anyways. What are you looking for? You're doing that creepy thing with your eyes so I thought you were perhaps looking for something." Naruto spoke, resting both his hands behind his head.

He was right. Hinata was looking for something. More like someone..Y/n. She was trying to see if her sister was anywhere near this area within 50 meters.

"Oh. W-well I am looking for someone.."

"Really? Who?"


"Hah? Who?"

"My little s-sister.. y-you two met b-before.."

It a second for Naruto to remember before he realized he did meet Y/n.

{Naruto's Flashback.}
3rd person POV

"Hey boss!" Konohamaru yelled to him. Naruto turned around and greeted him also.

"Oh hey Konahamaru. What's up?" Naruto say and smiled. Konohamaru's face began to redden and started to fiddle his fingers slightly.

"W-well Uh...there's this girl.. we met yesterday and she was impressed when I used my sexy Jutsu technique against Ebisu- Sensei.."

Naruto's face looked confused before turning into a big grin. "So you got a date, huh?"

"D-date? N-no way! It's not like that!" Konahamaru frantically shook his head.

Naruto laughed. "So what's her name?"

"Her name is Y/n. Y/n Hyūga. Her home is located at the Hyūga compound is what she told me but uh...I don't know where that is.."

"Ooh! Well I know where it is! If I remember should be this way. Come on!" Naruto turned around and started to walk with Konahamaru following him.

{At the Hyūga Residence}

Naruto saw his friend Hinata and a little girl training in front of their house.

"Hey Hinata!" Naruto yelled out. The two girls stopped fighting to look at the boy.

"Naruto-kun..!" Hinata blushed. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Konahamaru is looking for some girl named Y/n but I have no idea who she is."

"O-oh! That's my sister and she's right here. Y/n, this is Naruto and Naruto, this is Y/n.."

"Hello..." Y/n shyly greeted before looking at Konahamaru. "Hi Konahamaru..!"

"Hiya Y/n! Are you ready for our training? I'm currently learning from the best!" The boy says before proudly pointing at Naruto.

Y/n gave a closer look at Naruto before she suddenly gentle fisted him, sending him flying some feet away and falling on his back.

"Boss!/Naruto-kun!" Konahamaru and Hinata yelled.

Naruto groaned in pain before sitting up.
"Ow ow ow! Hey! What was that for?!" He yelled.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry..cousin Neji told me to do that to a goofy-looking blonde kid in orange..." Y/n bowed and apologized.

"Woah! You sent boss flying! Can you teach Me that?" Y/n looked at Konahamaru and smiled slightly. "Okay."

{End of Flashback.}

Although it didn't go well. For him at least.

"Yeah. The one who sent me flying like a pancake.." Naruto grumbled as his eyebrow twitched.

"Huh. So what happened to her?"

"W-well uh...t-this is a v-very personal and serious matter..a-and I don't think that I'm allowed to tell anyone outside the least not yet.. but uhm.. Y/n.. she's gone missing.." Hinata said, frowning.

"Huh?! Really?"

Hinata nodded. " she's been missing since yesterday morning- before the Chunin exams.. I don't know what happened.."

Naruto frowned. He didn't like seeing his friends sad. "What creep would do such a thing?" He thought about something before speaking. "Oh! What if we part the Hokage about this? Surely the old man would do something."

"B-but the Chunin exams...they're still ongoing. And the second part of the Chunin exams is in a day.." Hinata said. There wouldn't be time to commence a search party until after the exams since all Jonin and Chunin would be busy for the time being..

"Oh my battle with Neji will start soon." Naruto grunted before looking up. "Right. I have to start training so I can pummel that jerk! Don't worry, Hinata! After the Chunin exams, I'll definitely help you look for your sister! Believe it!" The Uzumaki said with determination before splitting ways.

Hinata stared at the boy as he got smaller and smaller. With a small smile, she mumbled..

"Thanks, Naruto-kun..."

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