Decision: Part 2

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Y/n's Pov

I let go of Neji and landed on my feet on the ground. They all stopped and looked back, wondering why I'm not following them.

I took 2 steps back, avoiding eye contact.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Neji asks.

"I can't leave. Not yet." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"...I can't tell you. But I'll come back. I have to do something really important." I then shushined away and heading back to the hideout.

I hope I'm not too late..

{End of Pov}

"How did she learn a technique like that? And what did she mean by that?" Tenten mumbled.

"Who knows..but we're running out of time. We'll look for her later. Sorry Neji, but the mission comes first. Hokage's orders." Gai said. Neji sighed then nodded.

Y/n appeared near the hideout and immediately sees 3 people fighting. Basically a 2v1 happening.

Y/n hid so she couldn't be seen.

'Looks like the battle has escalated. Sasori is out of his puppet suit and spawned thousands of other puppets. However, the one that catches my eyes is the one that produces iron sand.'

She looked over to Sasori's destroyed puppet suit. Looks like it has taken a massive blow to the back.
She watched as Sakura was swiftly dodging every puppets attack.

Y/n's Pov (again)

I saw one of the puppets fly in my direction after getting hit. A quickly moved away so I don't get hit and heard a crash as it hit the ground.
The puppet wore a red cloak and was smashed to pieces. I also noticed many needles scattered everywhere. They all had some purple liquid on them- mostly on the tip end.


Sasori mentioned something about how many of his puppets carry poison on them and just one prick—no— even the tiniest prick can kill you in 3 days if not given the proper antidote.
(A/n: Like I said, I haven't watched shippuden in a long while especially this fight cuz 1. This fight is long as hell. 2. I don't remember what happened besides the end so of course I'm going to change it :))
Also 3. I'm shorting the fight because #1 and it's too much work.)

I saw Sasori take his cloak off to reveal sharp things sticking out from his back.
I can feel my face heat up.
His body looked like a puppets but I don't mind hehe.
Quick A/n:

"Hi.":Kurama's (9 tailed fox's) voice
"Hi." Normal person's voice.
"Hi." Naruto's voice (when Kurama is controlling him.)


"Give. Gaara. Back!" Naruto growled. His eyes now raging red and nails sharp as he glared at Deidara who isn't taking him seriously.

"Hmm nope!" Deidara said cheerfully, causing Naruto to growl louder.

Kakashi stood on a tree not far from the 2 blondes. He watched as Naruto started to attack Deidara.

'He's loosing control..'

He noticed Red chakra start to slowly surround Naruto, forming one tail, then two.


"Kakashi!" A voice called which revealed to be Gai with his team behind him.
They turned their heads to see Naruto now punching Deidara with brute force. But turned out, that it was a clone made out of clay.

That guy(Deidara) pretty much had no arms so he couldn't have gotten far. Either way, he managed to escape. But it doesn't matter as Team 7 and Team Gai were only ordered to retrieve Gaara. And that's what they did.

"He got away. Let's just bring Gaara back to the Sand." Kakashi said.

Sakura had the nerve to punch Sasori to the ground.

Y/n carefully picked up the poison needles and kept them in between her fingers, careful not to accidentally cut herself. She knows this technique. Sasori did this once when she snuck into his room without him noticing.
Now all Y/n have to do is wait for the right time.

Sakura's Pov

Once I punched that Sasori guy into the ground, I saw Lady Chiyo  take out 2 puppets. 1 that resembles a woman with long brown hair, brown eyes and a green cloak. other puppet looked male with red hair, brown eyes and brownish-purple cloak.

It's kinda creepy that they almost look like real human beings...

Lady Chiyo's puppets came at Sasori with weapons, getting ready to stab him through the heart; his only weak spot.

The puppets almost had him until they were sent flying. Suddenly I felt something sting my neck, arms and chest. I looked down and gasped.
T-these are the poisonous needles that nearly killed Kankuro! But who could've—

I was interrupted from my thoughts once I felt a harsh blow to my stomach. Lady Chiyo caught me from falling to the ground.

Chiyo and I looked to see who had done this and saw a girl but not just any girl..she had the Byakugan like Neji and Hinata! The only difference were the hair.

We were all shocked, even Sasori was which is surprising...but right now, I'm more worried about the poison that's now in my body.

Breathe, Sakura. You've done this before on Konkuro..

I can already feel the poison spreading..
I feel weak..and I can't feel my lower body

I started to heal myself as much as I could.

I then felt Lady Chiyo sit me up as I call for Kakashi-Sensei and my team to come help me.

"Where did they do?" I said, now staring at the empty spot where Sasori and that mysterious girl were.

"They escaped unfortunately..but right now you need to be treated immediately." She said.

She's right. I sighed.

We almost had him..

Just who was that girl anyway?


Tbh, in the Actual Shippuden show, I  actually felt bad for Sasori because in actuality, he just missed his parents.

This was all Kakashi's father's fault! He caused that man pain!

Also this chapter took like 8 hours to make and I was struggling to think of something so—👌

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