chapter 7 nightmare of what to come

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POV Ryuko

I opened my eyes and I found myself in some black void. looked around but still nothing, I decided to move and it was until I started walking that I realized I was walking on wet stone. In fact it was also then I realized I'm naked but some how that doesn't even bother me. Where's everyone? Where's Mako? Where's Senketsu? And where's Y/N? I started hearing some swords clashing from a distance, I turned around and think saw two people fighting. So I headed towards them walking at first. But as got closer began to think that those two look very familiar. wait.... the one in blue looks familiar, is that...Y/N!? I started running towards them now and as I got closer I saw that the guy in red who looked like a exact copy of him. They are still fighting but the one red started getting the upper hand with with his sword. Y/N was thrown to the ground struggling to get up. I tried to get to him but then stopped by some sort of invisible wall. all I could do is watch

Y/N:"why do you need that power?, the Power of someone who wasn't even there when we needed him?"

???:"well big just answered your own question"

After Y/N and the Man in red exchange more blows the man in red was able to use his sword to swiftly shoot the Yamato upwards to then impale Y/N through the abdomen. All I can do is watch in horror

???:"power is freedom. without it your just another piece in someone else's story, Mundis taught us that a long time ago"

After the men said that he began to yank his sword out of Y/N abdomen so that he fall to the ground, I began trying to break through the wall by pounding as hard as I can As the man in red began to approach him ready to stab him again, Damnit stop!



I started to wake as soon as heard Ryuko squirming next to me, I looked at her and was about to Ask what was wrong but then I heard her mumbling.

Ryuko:"...Y-Y/N... stay ...with m-me please....I b-beg you"

Her eyes starts leaking tears a bit, then I try to reach for her.

Y/N: "Ryuko? What's Wrong-"

She then jumps out of her futon and shouts.


Y/N: "Calm down Ryuko it's fine I'm fine I'm here!"

She turns her heard towards me with her teary eyes.


Y/N:"I'm fine my love, what did you see in your-"

I was cut off when she quickly hugged me

Ryuko:"I-I saw... You and a man in red fighting. And you lost. I-I was... There I couldn't help you I let you di-"

She was cut off by me hugging her not allowing her to finish her word

Y/N:"I'm sure you did the best you could my love, Do not fret I won't let you go through that"

Ryuko:"just promise me, if we do run into the him please don't fight him alone"

Y/N:"I promise you dear, if we do run into this "man" we'll fight him together"

Ryuko:"T-Thank you Y/N"

Y/N:"my pleasure my love. Now let's head back to bed"

After calming down Ryuko she began to drift back to sleep while I was in deep thought knowing she saw Dante

Y/N:"Dante, when we meet I'll make sure you won't touch her"

Yeah I know this chapter is short but I have a lot of plans on the next chapter we will introduce the Battle of ideals and the demonic Tower and we'll see in all too familiar face well faces until then, stay motivated

(Discontinued )BURY THE LIFE FIBERS (Vergil Mreader X Ryuko)Where stories live. Discover now