Barry X Reader

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Genre: Fluff & Wholesomeness

It was Christmas! And Professor Rowan had invited trainers he knew to his lab for a Christmas party, which included you too. Dawn was all excited about this, both of you went to shopping and got gifts to place under the tree in the lab. Dawn made you had a matching dress with her and everything was perfect.

Stepping outside you let the cold wind blows your beautiful H/C hair while you shivered a bit before running in the snow with Dawn to reach to the lab as soon as possible.

Dawn was the first one to reach while you were behind, but that didn't mattered, cause you both had a fun time running in the snow. She opened the door and went inside.

As you stepped in, your E/C eyes quickly made it's way to the food court, to find a certain energetic blonde haired guy. Surprisingly enough he was not there. Forgetting about him you placed the beautifully wrapped presents under the tree and went upto Dawn who was shoving pastries in her mouth.

"Oh Y/N! Want some?" Dawn asked shoving some pastries in your mouth
"*nom nom* ahhhh they are so tasty!"
"I know right!"
"But I have to ask you something..."
"What is it?" Dawn asked chewing the last piece of pastry in her mouth
"First, stop eating like that, you will choke to death, second! Where is Barry?"
"Barry?" Dawn said looking here and there
"Probably late and bumped into someone while coming here and now fining the poor person" Dawn said giggling
"I mean where's the lie here?" You said laughing along

One entire hour has passed and he still didn't showed up, you were getting worried enough
'Is he sick?' 'Did something bad happened to him?' 'Did he left Sinnoh to meet up with his other friends for Christmas without telling?' You were over thinking at this point and rushed downstairs to tell Dawn that you will be back real soon

"I need to go to his house" You murmured as you ran to his house
*knock knock*
No answer
*knock knock*
No answer

"Y/N! It's good to see you!" Barry said grinning "what are you doing here now?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" You tilted your head in confusion
"What do you mean by what do you mean?"
"I mean why didn't you went to the party?"
"Party? What party? Who's Party? Which Party?" He said confused
"A party. Christmas Party. Professor Rowan's Christmas party. The party at the lab" You said answering all his questions "You didn't got the invitation letter? Cause I saw the postman giving the letter to your mailbox too"

Barry was confused and went to see the mailbox and found a red envelope with a Christmas tree made with green sparkles and some small gifts made with sticking different coloured glitters. He opened the envelope and saw a letter written in a white page

"Everyone trainer this letter is invited to Professor Rowan's Lab at 24/12/21 for a Christmas Party, hope we will see you soon"
-Professor Rowan

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" He screamed and started shaking you making your head sping round and round
"Y-yeah...we have....its just 6 PM, there will be a sleep over so you can still come
"I'M GONNA FINE THAT POSTMAN FOR NOT TELLING ME ABOUT IT! Oh and thank you Y/N for telling me about the party, I'm gonna dress up now, see you there!" He closed the door and ran upstairs. You could hear him falling while rushing to his room and scream like a little girl and giggled at his clumsy ness....

"What more can I expect from him?" Murmuring under your breath you made your way back to the party to enjoy your time until that blonde kid comes and starts to fine everyone.

Words Count: 695

(I'm in a mood to write one-shots so you can expect me to write it all over December cause of Christmas/me and my family member's birthdays and I'm also going out on holiday so I'm full of energy! And also I suck at writing letters even though I write it very nicely during my language tests smh 🤦‍♂)

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