•Diamond x Reader (Requested)

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・゜-: ✧ :-
Requested by: Shadowbunx
Type: Oneshot

・゜-: ✧ :- Requested by: ShadowbunxType: Oneshot

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Key words: Y/N = Your name
L/N = Last name

Pokémon Team: ------

Pronouns used: No pronouns used. Hope you enjoy! <3

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Imagine going on a date with your boyfriend and getting third wheeled by some foods?????

Diamond suggested that going on a date to celebrate yours and his one year anniversary would be a great idea! And why would you even deny? So he suggested to go to your favourite restaurant which was in the Hearthome city.

The two of you made it to the restaurant and luckily there was food for pokémons too. You took the table near the place where the pokémons can eat too and let your team out while Diamond let out his.

"Happy anniversary!" You smiled
"Happy anniversary!" He said out loud grinning like a goof

You were wearing your favourite dress and did your hair and make up for a long time back at home and hoped that he'll notice it and compliment, but he simply wasn't? So to get his attention you started to twirl your hair around your finger which Diamond noticed.

"Oh! By the way! You look-" He started making you relieved but much to your dismay, Diamond's attention immediately adverted to a waiter bringing food for the table nearby and he started to drool.

'Seriously? Here as well..?' you thought, a frown on your face crept up as you sighed, hoping once the waiter serves the food he'll stop looking.

"Diamond...could you stop staring at other people's food?" You sweatdropped
"Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry about that" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Anyways so while we wait for food to arrive, let's-" before he could finish, his face turned to the other side within a blink of an eye when another waiter walks to this other table with more food in his hand and Diamond started to drool again.

'Lux actually deserves to be his pokémon' you thought seeing how his munchlax, Lux was looking at the food in the waiter's hand just like how Diamond was looking.
"Diamond!" You called out making him look at you
"Oh Arceus, these foods are making me hungry! When's our food coming?" You asked like a child

"Oh c'mon" you smiled "let them take their time, anyways, I forgot to tell you about what happened last week, so me and Fantina, along with Wallace decided to surprise the crowd who were watching the contest in Floaroma Town with..." You continued on without looking at him and instead blabbered about what happened in that contest with eyes closed and mimicking some postures and stuffs "so right after we left, we saw this Jolteon-"

With the lack of response from Diamond, you decided to open your eyes and look at him to see if he was listening or not. Unfortunately, he was looking at all the foods nearby, drooling as well like a GLOOM.

Now you were started to get a bit angry at him "Diamond!" You called him with a slightly loud voice "were you even listening?"
Diamond snapped out of his thoughts of food and looked at you again "oh Y/N! I'm so sorry, i just got carried away" he sounded genuinely sorry "i promise I won't look away! The foods just looked so....tasty!"

You let out a sighed and smiled softly "it's okay"
"Alright! So you can continue telling me, i promise I won't look away!"
With a nod, you started from the beginning but this time, the waiter interrupts you by serving the food and taking his leave.

"Oh the food's here already?-" before you could even finish the sentence, you saw Diamond engulfing the food like he didn't ate for DAYS and kept eating without wasting a split second until the plate was empty.

Now you were actually really pissed at this. You came here to celebrate your anniversary with him and instead got third wheeled by the foods????

Feeling a mix of emotions, you started to eat the rest of the food on your plate whole Diamond was the one who started talking and kept going on without even seeing if you were paying attention or not and once you were done you looked at him.

"Diamond, I think we should leave now" you said, trying your best not to show any anger "there's nothing left to do now anyways"
"Huh- b-"

You got up and returned your pokémons before grabbing your bag leaving the restaurant while Diamond kept calling you.

"Why did she left like this? Was she angry?" He said to himself before thinking for a moment "ohhhhh" he made a 'o' shape with his mouth upon realising that maybe you got mad for the lack of attention he was giving and staring at the food.

He immediately returned his pokémons too and rushed down the streets until he saw your silhouette a bit far away and ran more faster until he was right behind you.

"Y/N!" He grabbed your hand and made you turn around "phew, i thought I wouldn't be able to catch up with you" he said and and took a moment to catch his breath.
He noticed that the frown is still on your face and frowned himself too.

"Y/N, look I'm sorry about what happened in the restaurant earlier, i shouldn't have been carried away like that! I'm terribly sorry!" Diamond looked up to see you still looking sad and sighed before deciding something.

He placed his hand on your face making you look up at him and he suddenly leaned in to kiss you.

Your eyes widened in surprise and face flushed the deepest and darkest shade of red...redder than silver's hair.

He broke the kiss and gave you a closed eye grin "forgive me? Pretty please?" You stared at him disbelief and flustered
"W-w-why did you do that?!"
"Huh? What?! Can't I kiss my girlfriend now?!"
"N-NO! I mean yes you can but- uh- I-"

You found it difficult to find the correct words and instead felt so much embarassed.

"Aw Y/N, it's okay to be embarassed, you look so cute anyways, like a tom-ato!" (Y'all got the pun?) Diamond said giving his goofy grin and held your hand before starting to walk "c'mon! Lets go home, it's starting to get cold now anyways!"

The date was miserable but atleast he made it up by giving you your first kiss, right? <3

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