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The bristles ran through their soft locks. They stared into the mirror taking in their appearance, 'Why does this place call for such a fancy dress code. God, these people are going to be a bother.'  Harlow wasn't wrong, this was a very special exhibit and a lavish party in one so their was a high chance majority of the guests could be pretentious.

Harlow put down the brush and ran their hands through their hair, putting away the misplaced strands. Today Harlow was finally going to see the new exhibit at the Louvre. Of course living in Paris meant many visits to the famous gallery but today was special. Harlow and their friends had been waiting for months for this exhibit to open and immediately booked it.

Harlow picked up their bag as they adjusted the black band sat around their neck. Harlow's mother sat on the couch reading through a book. The woman looked up at the sound of quick footsteps and smiled. "Partir si tôt? (Leaving so soon?)" she asked. "Je ne serai pas trop longtemps maman (I wont me long mum)" Harlow leaned over the couch and gave a small kiss to their mum's forehead.

"Reste en sécurité chérie (Stay safe sweetheart)" the woman told her child. Harlow nodded before walking out the house.

As they closed the door behind them, Harlow took notice of their two friends- Terri and Liam- waiting at the mailbox. "Il était temps que tu te montres (About time you showed up)" Terri called out. Harlow waved her off with a giggle and trotted down the stairs to embrace the two in a hug. Terri and Liam gladly accepted this along with their own giggles.

The three fell out of the group hug with smiles adorning their faces. Liam lifted his hand to rest on Harlow's head before ruffling up their hair. Harlow immediately jumped back with a squeak, "Sérieusement mec, je viens de le brosser (Seriously dude, I just brushed it)". Liam only chuckled and put his hands up in defence, Harlow shot him a glare as they fixed their hair.

"Eh bien, nous ne devrions plus perdre de temps (Well we shouldn't waste anymore time)" Terri announced looping her arms through her friends'. The trio began walking off to the Louvre chatting and joking along the way. The Louvre wasn't far from Harlow's house so they thought it was best to get some exercise.

(Time skip brought to you by Theo screaming about a cat)

Harlow stared up at the shining pyramid that always took their breath away. No matter how many times they saw it, it's beauty and magnificence never ceased to amaze. Harlow snapped out of their daze when they noticed Liam and Terri already walking into the gallery. Clutching their bag, Harlow scuttled after their friends as to not be left behind.

As expected, Harlow was asked by security to open their bag and show their ticket. Once cleared they stepped forward into the gigantic structure and began to take it all in. Most of the guests were dressed elegantly, 'Tourists' Harlow thought to them self. You could easily point out who was a resident of Paris- those who were dressed comfortably and outfits were no more special than what they might wear to a park.

The walls were adorned with beautiful patterns and pictures of the Louvre's founders. A few paintings and other artworks were set up but they were some of the less expensive pieces. The front desk was made of dark oak and 5 staff members sat behind it with computers and files surrounding them.

Harlow, Terri and Liam made their way through the building to where the exhibition was. The three went through many corridors paying no mind to the pieces that they had seen so many times. They finally  arrived and stepped into the large hall. Tall windows with velvet drapes raked the sides of the room and many people were gathered inside.

Harlow began growing a little uncomfortable having forgotten just the amount of people that would be at the exhibit. Terri and Liam being Harlow's best friends knew of their social anxiety so immediately noticed when Harlow started getting anxious. Being the good friends they are, Terri and Liam each took one of Harlow's hands and gave them a squeeze. Harlow's anxiety began to subside as they remembered they were with their friends.

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