12: Tina

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Tina has been my enemy for as long as I have been alive.

Okay, maybe not that long, but it feels that way. Our rivalry started three years ago, before I became a cadet. It started out right after I fulfilled my dream of being on Hummingbird Peak's racing team.

At first, it was just a friendly competition between two racers, but then it turned into something else. It turned into hatred.

But hey, she started it.

The year I joined them was the year I became a cadet. After three years, you'd think we would have quit it right now, but nope, the opposite happened.

After I became a cadet, Tina challenged me. It was fair: she had won first place for as long as she had joined the team, until I came and beat her. I'd taken up her position as the best in HP.

Seeing as Tina wouldn't give up after about a year, I was getting tired of it. But that resulted in her beating me every time, and simultaneously ruining my cadet life. To be a cadet, you have to have a good performance - in school, behaviour, and skills. The stupid rivalry was ruining all of mine, and that would then result in having bad grades, not being good enough to become a cadet, and all that stuff.

So now, at this moment, my academy life was being threatened because of this.

It wasn't just me that was tired of our rivalry. I could tell Tina was too, but I just didn't get why she wasn't stopping. Was taking my position really that important?

Rover ignored me at school, so I caught up with him when class was over. He wasn't headed to HQ, so I stopped him.

"Hey what's up?"

He replied, "I'll explain, but I don't want to go to headquarters." So I walked with him and we headed to the beach.

There he explained his conversation with his mother, and how he wasn't going to the mission."I'm sorry to be leaving you alone in this, but I have to obey her."

"Wait wait wait," I said. "You and River are seriously leaving me alone for the mission?"

Rover grinned, "What are friends for?"

I hugged my knees and rested my head on my wings, facing the horizon. "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

Rover dropped the subject. "Hey, remember the time we pulled the grand escape?"

Wow, he doesn't even bother to explain after leaving me alone for the mission? Nice. I decided not to mention the subject, though. "The grand escape. It feels like a lifetime ago now."

We recalled the time when we met. Rover and his family moved further away from the forest area after losing his little brother. That was also around the time River was adopted. Rover moved into the same tree as I did - his room was on the opposite of mine and we used to talk to each other in morse code by tapping on the wall. Ah, good times.

That was also the hardest point in my life. I have no idea how I survived it. I'd tried my best to be selected to be a cadet in Hummingbird Peak. I had to get good grades, have survival skills, have a good history with driving, and all that while facing my family who were against me being a cadet.

My family was known for their connection with the witchcraft academy, in the island where we came from. So of course, they all wanted me to study that. To move back to Raven's Hills (our island) after my studies. Mostly, though, they didn't want me to go any other way because wouldn't want their secrets spreading to other people.

A/N: ...what. Where did that come from. (That last paragraph was made up on the spot lol)

After they found out I had applied to Top Wing Academy, I was grounded. But they were too late, because at the time they found out, I was already selected for the road cadets' role.

Rover and I called it "The Grand Escape" because we'd pulled it together. We worked to be cadets together.

I started to tear up. It was the first time I recalled the memory in a while.


"I still can't be a cadet in peace." Ivy said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's Tina. If she keeps beating me in everything, she's probably going to be selected to replace my position as a cadet. Helen and Argus would love her more than me."

"That's crazy!" I sat up. "She can't just become a cadet by winning races. And besides, that makes no sense."

"Still. She already has a better performance than me in school and everything. She's also applied to the Top Wing academy."


A/N: who do you think would make an interesting ship/pair? I don't mind how you answer this honestly, since I don't ship any of my characters, all ships are welcome. I used to ship Rover and Ivy. I really would like to hear your ideas :>

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