Owls are Sent and Dreams are Seen

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Maggie's owl Arcturus.

After leaving the Burrow I go into my study to write a letter to Dumbledore in regards to the position of Care of Magical Creatures professor

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After leaving the Burrow I go into my study to write a letter to Dumbledore in regards to the position of Care of Magical Creatures professor. I tie the rolled up note to the leg of my owl Arcturus and send him to Dumbledore. Shortly after a new owl lands onto my windowsill. It holds out it's leg for me to take the note off. I recognise the handwriting as Molly's.

Dear Maggie,
     It would mean a lot to me if you could take Ginny and Ron to Hogsmeade tomorrow to get their supplies while I pack some bags to go to the Three Broomsticks for the remaining week of summer. We already have a room set up there and after you get their items for school just take them there.

Thanks again,

I take the note and flip it over, writing my answer on the back and send it back with the owl. Afterwards I fall back onto my bed and fall asleep.

"Reggie. Don't do this please." I grab his arm right before he apparates and I end up following him to his destination. I look around and it's a huge cave on an island. "Where are we?"
"Maggie! Don't make this harder than it needs to be. I have to do this. I promise I'll make it back to you." Regulus hugs me and Kreacher appears next to us.
"Master this is extremely dangerous." I look at Reggie pleading silently to change his mind.
"If you won't leave then come with me. I need your help." Regulus whispers. "But we need to hurry before he finds us."
"Before who finds us?" I ask.
"The Dark Lord. Mags, please."
"Okay let's go then." I follow Reggie onto a small boat that drifts across the lake that's almost as dark as the night sky. Crystals on the ceiling reflect off the waters and makes it look like stars. The boat creaks as it hits the land and we get off. I look around and see huge rocks.
"Don't touch the water it's cursed." Regulus says and walks towards the centre of the island. In the direct centre is a bowl that looks like a bird bath. Regulus goes to reach in and the water does not give and acts like a force field to protect whatever is underneath it. Regulus conjures a cup out of thin air and turns to me. "Mags whatever I say and whatever I do, you have to make sure I drink every last drop of this."
"What? What is it?"
"It's a potion and there's a locket in there."
"How do you know about that?"
"Dumbledore he told me. And he told me about Horcruxes." Regulus whispers, dipping the cup into the liquid.
"Dumbledore knows about this? He knows you didn't want to be a death eater?"
"He knows everything Mags he knows you were forced to become one like me." Regulus takes the first sip and his face contorts in pain.
"Reggie?" I grab his arm. I hear a faint splash and turn, a skeleton looking being stands at the edge of the water. "Regulus, don't do this I don't want to lose you." I cry.
"Maggie, I gotta tell you something just in case."
"What Reggie?"
"I-i love you. I've loved you since 6th year."
"Regulus I love you too." Regulus nods solemnly as he goes to take another drink. "No! Don't! You don't know what that could do to you." He ignores me and continues to drink the rest of the potion pausing to silently cry in pain and plead with me. As much as I hated to do it I had to make him finish. He collapses after the last sip and I take the locket. I see Regulus reach his arm out and an identical locket falls I take it and place it in the bottom of the basin and whisper a spell to replenish the potion that was in there.
"Kreacher take Maggie home."
"NO! I won't leave without you." I say.
"KREACHER THAT'S AN ORDER!" Kreacher grabs my arm.
"Regulus please. Don't make me leave you!"
"Hide the locket and find a way to destroy it. Please go I'll make my way back to you. I promise my love." Tears fall down my face as Kreacher apparates to my home.

I sit up and find myself drenched in sweat. I look at the time and see that it's just past midnight.  Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep I get up and make a cup of tea adding a bit of firewhiskey to it. It burns as it trickles down my throat. I hear a knock on the door and walk over to it, opening the door a crack. A man stands on the stairs. "Who are you?" I ask.

"It's me Maggie, Padfoot." I pause before opening the door a bit wider. 

"What do you want from me?" I demand.

"Please let me in. I'll explain everything to you. I promise."

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