I am starting over.

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In case you've not seen what I've put on my message board, or didn't feel like looking, I want to re-write this book. I've looked back, and I can't see myself continuing this with the messy and frankly rushed plot.

I don't want to just discontinue this book, because I know it's off-putting to see a book with (DISCONTINUED) in the title. I'd hate to just leave a half-baked mess here, and there's no way I'm just deleting the first book I published.

The specials will stay up, but the other chapters will be taken down to be re-written with a plot and, hopefully, better written characters. I just wanna ask you a few questions so you guys can have the best reading experience possible. To my ghost readers who don't interact, please answer a few questions too.

1. Do you want this to stay as an x reader, or would you be ok with me creating an original character to follow the pov of? If I use an oc, my descriptive writing will most likely be able to flourish a bit more, and there can be less bracketed abbreviations (stuff like Y/n or h/c). I'm fine with keeping it as a Y/n story though, it just means I won't be able to put as much description into the reader.

2. Do you want Shiro to stay in? His character appearance and personality are kind of messy, so some small edits would be made here and there, but he'd stay relatively the same. I don't mind removing him if you aren't a fan of his character.

Thank you for having read my work up to this point, and thank for answering my questions if you have. If there's anything you want to ask or say, but don't want to be criticised for, feel free to privately message me.

Twice the love: a mha Twice x reader fanfic [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now