C h a p t e r 8

486 25 0


-Y/n's pov-

I was waiting a bus on the bus stop, until i saw heeseung walking towards my direction while looking on the ground, he looks tired, there was something bothering him. "Heeseung?" He finally looked up and immediately put a smile on his face.

"Hey y/n! I didn't knew you were there" he said approaching me. "Are you ok?" I immediately asked. He was hesitant to speak first. "I-I'm fine"

See i was right. There was really something about him and he doesn't want to say it, I'm not trying to push him so he would tell me, if there really is, I'll wait until he was ready to tell me. I just put a smile on my lips and finally a bus came in front of us, the both of us went inside.

I sat at the back as heeseung followed me. My house is a bit far so I decided to take a nap.

I woke up because there was a bit heavy on my shoulder, i look over to see heeseung and he was


"Hey. . ."

He look at me with tears in his eyes. He immediately hugged me while i just sat there and hugged him back. We decided to go on the park so heeseung would feel better. We went on the tree where there's no one around.

We sat there on silence and I decided to tell something. "Hey are you ok?" He looked at me, without any expression, just blank. "If i tell you the reason, you won't judge right?" I nodded and gave him a little smile.

"I-it's about mom" he said looking up the sky. He look at me once again. "Go on, I'm ready to listen" he sighed before speaking.

"A year ago, my parents went out, they told me they would visit their friends. And it's been 3 hours and I didn't even received any text from them, cause they usually text me. Until I received a call and i-it said my parents got into a car crash"

He stopped and tears rolling down again on his cheeks. I patted his back. "It's ok if you don't want to continue telling me about it" he wiped his tears away and shook his head. "No it's ok I'll just continue. ."

"I went to the hospital where my parents ha are, I waited them for four hours, until the doctor came, he said my mother wasn't still awake but my father is, i saw him, bruise all over his body, until a police came and aske him what happened"

"My father said he got distracted by my mother from driving cause she thinks he was cheating on her but the truth is he wasn't. 2 days later, I received a call from the doctor, he said my father didn't make it" he started to sob.

"My mother was in coma that time, after two weeks she woke up and the doctor says that she had a brain tumor. And when she saw me, she started accusing me why my father died, acting like I wasn't her son, treating me like a fucking trash!"

I can't believe it. He was such a bright person but deep inside, he was suffering, he was hurt. He started to cry and I immediately hugged him. "Just let it out, heedeungie"

Thirty minutes later heeseung finally calmed down. "Thank you for being there, y/n" he randomly said, while looking at the sky. "That's nothing heedeungie, you need someone to talk about it, I'm willing to listen"

He look at me. "Heedeungie? That's a new one" he chuckled. "I don't know, it just came out on my mouth" both of us chuckled.

"I remember my mother told me that how lucky they were to have me in their life, but now. She started calling me worthless, selfish, trash I guess she wasn't wrong" he said as he look up at the sky.

"Yah don't listen to her words that you know it would hurt you, you're a worthy person, you're not selfish and don't call yourself a trash because your not, heedeungie. I want you to be strong, your mother will realize it soon that you're not that kind of person, you're mother still love you she just don't show it, just remember that I'm always here, me and our other friends got your back, do you understand?"

"Yah i just stop crying like thirty minutes ago and you're making me cry again" he said wiping some tears while i just chuckled at him.

Sorry for the grammatical errors :(

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