C h a p t e r 25

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It was Saturday and this was supposed to be my rest day because school is stressful and also because we were seniors, what do you u expect? It's pretty hard.

But suddenly i got a text with heeseung, he said that he will pick me up in here at my condo at one in the afternoon.

"Yah! You didn't tell me that you had a car!" I playfully slap his arm, making him chuckle. "My uncle gave me this, I don't use it that much." He said, he opened the door for me then i went inside, after thanking him.

"We literally just saw each other yesterday, and you invited me to hangout with you today! This was supposed to be my rest day." He chuckled. "This is not a hangout." I look at him, confused. "What?"

"It's a date."

I turned to the other side cause i felt my cheeks were burning up. "Hah, you're blushing." He said, still eyes on the road. "I'm not." He chuckled. "Yeah sure, if you say so"

Me and heeseung went to this restaurant, the foods in here are soooo delicious, I swear, I'm going back here. I love it. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked as we went out of the restaurant, going on the parking lot to get his car.

"Hmm, shopping?." He smiled. "That's cool, Let's go!" We went inside his car then made our way on the mall.


We decided to buy clothes first so we went on the store with full of clothes. "What do you think?" I showed heeseung the dress that i was wearing. "It suits you, but you're not going to get that one." He said then started to look for another dress. "Why? But you said-"

"That's too revealing, try this one." He handed me a maroon dress. "Hurry up! Someone might see you in that dress!" He said, pointing at the dress that i was wearing.

I went out of the dressing room, then i saw heeseung at the leaning at the wall beside of the door, probably waiting for me.

"Hey." I tap his shoulder, making him look at me, then to the dress that i was wearing. "You look pretty, i like this one." He smiled. "Miss, can we also get this one?" He asked the lady, who immediately nodded.

Heeseung also got himself some clothes, after paying at the cashier, we made our way out of the store. He also helped me when we went to the store that full of cosmetics.

"I think this one is matched with your skin," he said, looking at the foundation thta he was holding. "Do you really need make up?"he asked, as he followed me to the lipstick section.

"Come on, Make up is life~" he look at the basket that i was holding, it was just some make up stuffs. "Why bother buying make up if you're already pretty." I stop my self from smiling but failed since he noticed.

"Tss, you're blushing," he said. "I wasn't!" He just laughed. We both went to the counter to pay the cosmetics that i got inside the basket.

The male insist to carry the bags they got, since he has big and strong hands, as they both went out of the store, suddenly a girl stopped them, making the both of them stop, looking at her.

"Hey heeseung, remember me?" The girl said, as she removed the sunglasses that she was wearing.

"Mirae?" Heeseung look at her, already irritated. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked, while y/n was just watching them, confused.

"I came back for you~" the female says, in a flirty tone, making y/n rolled her eyes. "I told you to stop bothering me, you know i hate seeing your face." He told her.

"Tsk, looks like you got yourself a girlfriend huh," she look at the girl beside him. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her, i swear you'll regret it."

"And don't you ever, show your face in front of her and me, your presence disgusts me." He said, before pulling the girl beside him, going at the parking lot, leaving a the girl who only chuckled.

"Who is she?" Y/n asked the male, who's pulling her by the wrist. "That's mirae, the girl i told you weeks ago." He said.

"Soobin's ex." He added, "argh, I remember that guy, he was such an asshole." She said, making him chuckle. "I also hate the guy with him, such a pervert." He stopped causing her to stop from walking too. "You didn't told me that." He said.

"Told what?"

"That guy with Soobin was being touchy to you?" He stared at her, waiting for her to answer. "Yah, Forget about what happened, okay? At least we were both okay." He nodded and they decided to go home since they spent a lot of time together at the mall.

"Thank you for taking me out today, i had lot of fun, thanks to you." She said, as she stands in front of the building, where her apartment was. "Anything for you, sweet cheeks." He said before kissing her on the forehead.

"Gotta go! Goodnight sweet cheeks!" He said, making the girl blush, before waving at him with a smile.

"Haish, i think I'm starting to like this guy." She smiled, before going inside the building.

a/n: I can't believe that this book hit 2k reads😭 I really appreciate those people who supported me by reading this cliche story, tysm!<3

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